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Posts posted by kapania

  1. today 04.08.2012 19:47 UTC+1

    cords: 025,067

    ingame nick : kapania

    i was walking down cherno to wait for some friends when i suddenly get this message " you were kicked off the game. (battleye: banned suspected ESP hacking))"

    i've done some reserch and i think i know what ESP hacking is, its wallhacks,teleport,spawning weapons etc.

    and i've never done any of that coz it would ruin the game for me.

    last thing i did ingame was killing a cow who used magic and despawned after dying.

  2. last night me and my team raided the FoE clan camp on their own server, and one of these guys had a weapon like the OP found, 100% sure i'm gonna get kicked if the clan leader finds out there are someone else except them who usess hacked weapons :P

    should still be ok to kill zombies with 5.56 and ignore the 203 thought.

  3. no message recived usually means the server restarts, what's really interesting about this is the reason why the server restarts.

    me and my friends usually play on clan servers because its much more fun to mess with clans who stand a chance instead of the lone survivor, but from time to time when we get the drop on a few clan guys and kill everyone we suddenly get no message recived:)

    last night my team was advancing towards a city from a forest in the hills, when we suddenly hear the pointman shouting "DOWN DOWN, car to the north west", so everyone gets into hiding, a few seconds later my spotter sees the car, it was a civil ural heading full speed towards the town when suddendly it was a huge explotion, my guess is that the driver didn't see the road blockade he hit.

    so we stay in the hills for about 30seconds when we get no message recived and everyone dc'ed.

    we got back asap to the server, because we suspected foul play and we where right. when we entered we could see the truck parked next to the roadblock with 1guy with ghillie suit killing zombies, i put 4 rounds into hes head and we see someone behind the truck entering and driving off the site and into the forest.

    my guess is that the clan people thought they where alone in the area and restarted the server to save the civil ural:)

    ofc i could be wrong about this, and the server-restart just matched their crash perfectly, its just that whenever we kill a server admin or lots of clan members this tends to happen :)

  4. sound don't play a too big role vs zombies, sometimes it sounds like a horde of 100zombies is chasing you, when you turn around its usually 1zed 20-30 feet away completly ignoring you:) i assume this is bugged and will be fixed tho.

    when it comes to players it plays a huge role, because people can attack from over 1000meter away, without sound it could be hard to find them.

    deaf or not, i still think its worth a try :)

  5. i don't get why people are so negative to all hes ideas, i get that rocket said he don't want different zombie types and whatnot, but it would be a nice change to actually have to worry a little about zombies when going into town for supplies. right now its far to easy to gather all zombies in a city, form a Ztrain and just leave them in a barn/house and u'll have free loot in the city. ofcourse there are players to worry about when doing this tactic, but that again could be countered by having a sniper team in the hills.

  6. click on this link : http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Vehicles

    it contains a full list of vehicles in dayz with all the info about every vehicle, that means general inventory slots (beans/mags/drink etc) weapon slots, backpack slots and number of seats, and what you need parts you need to repair it.

    it also tells you where the vehicle normaly spawns, this usually don't mean shit since clans and other groups have most likely repaired this vehicle and moved it outside the map.

    hope this helps someone :)

  7. as the title say, the admin(s) suddenly decided to teleport everyone on the server to a random location on the map, needless to say it was a huge firefight. me and a friend joined the action, while out third friend logged off.

    he connected a few minutes later, only to find people had brought car's to the location and where busy looting free loot.

    my guess its either the admins, or hacker's did this to get free loot.

    i'm sure this ain't the first time this have happend on a server, just letting people know :)
