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Everything posted by Spirith

  1. Spirith

    It's getting harder

    The title is... Thats what she said... Anyway Dayz is all about "First seen - to death" - people no longer care if you are friendly or a bandit, the fear of death always manipulates the trigger. And then shoot on sight...
  2. Spirith

    Friends needed.

    Country? Sexual orientation? Phone number?
  3. Spirith

    You mad survivors?

    Tell me the server you play on and i will finish my "100 killed bandits" video.
  4. Is it just me or all these threads like "Looking for a partner", "Need a friend", "Looking for a group" remind me of a tipical message on a Dating Site? Also this one sounds... pedo... [JK OPINION]
  5. Spirith

    First gun you ever found in DayZ?

    My first pistol was PM, and my first main weapon was ak74 kobra.
  6. Stole one from bandits camp in Noviy Sobor, shot one bullet - attracted ALL zombies in the town.
  7. Spirith

    Kill or not to Kill?

    Troll them and steal some stuff from their backpack, then run.
  8. Spirith

    How did your most recent character die?

    My last 6 "surviving attempts" resulted in me being killed by hackers.
  9. Spirith

    Found a hacked Weapon...

    You can use this weapon.
  10. Spirith

    Equipping Clothes removes backpacks

    Its a bug, next time drop your backpack and wear your skin, then take the backpack.
  11. I personaly no longer try to "Survive" because of the hackers. You may quit playing untill its safe to play or you may just run around cherno and troll people, just like me.
  12. So, it happend around 1:40 - 1:50 on RU 88 (around 10 minutes ago). A guy called "Swoon" teleported behind my back and shot me with AK. It happend near Electro. Then, a minute later, a guy was killed near Balota by Swoon as well, next moment the cheater was killed as well. On the screenshot below he says that he can not teleport someone without a car.
  13. Spirith

    RU 88 teleporter

    Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXnjtCxVhmg&feature=youtu.be
  14. Spirith

    RU 88 teleporter

    He is still on the server teleporting more and more people on the airfield, and perhaps his friends camp there and kill everyone.