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About EvanB

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  1. As I said I'm new to this role thing but I'm a quick learner and well geared. I understand the basic roles like over watch, engineer, assault, raider, etc. Just never been in a organized group like that.
  2. How many people are on at a time usually?
  3. I didn't state that I wouldn't play with anyone 14 or lower. I just usually don't prefer it unless they are mature.
  4. How many people do you have? Your clan seems big... very big
  5. Hey guys! I am a mature DayZ player looking for a small "active" group to play with. When I say small I mean about 10 members or under. Anything higher then that I think groups get out of hand and people just start doing what they want. About Me: -I'm 17 -I have been playing DayZ for about 2 months -I'm Eastern Time Based (GMT -5) -Since its Summer I can basically play whenever I want except for practice and games, during that time I obviously cant be on :) -I do like to have fun but I can also buckle down when I have to and take things serious during that time -I don't really enjoy playing with people under the age of 15. Why? Because most of the kids that age are never mature and just don't take things serious -I have never been in a serious clan before. I am a quick learner and I think I could learn the roles very quickly -I do have a mic -I want a group who sticks together and helps eachother out at all times. So, if you have a stable group out there looking for another member please give me a go. Leave your steam or skype name here. Or we can just PM eachother on forums. My steam : evanjb33 Currently: Found a group :D -Evan
  6. Ok, I think I sent you a request.
  7. Hi Detta! My two friends and I are very interested in your new group! I tried to get a few more people to join but it didn't work out too well. http://dayzmod.com/f...-few-friends/�� Theres a lot of info on us in that thread but I will get rid of it soon. My friend owns a free vent server atm (5 slots :( ) But we are open to trying out skype. I would like to hear from you soon. Thanks!
  8. EvanB

    Looking for a few friends

    Looking for 2 more Converted to Detta squad```````````````
  9. Hi guys! First time post, got tired of lurking around Dayz forums. Anyways, Im posting this thread in order to hopefully find a few good fellows who are friendly,have a good sense of humor, and work well with others. My friend and I are tired of repeating a continuous cycle of: Respawning in Cherno/Elektro. Gearing up. Head north. Eventually dying within the day due to something stupid. (Dayz for ya) Or find a car and get it stolen then die. Repeat. So we decided its time to get some people with us and start actually having some fun and enjoying the game. Converted to Detta Squad About us: - We are 17. Two of us (including me) live in Eastern time zone while another lives in mountain time. - We are fairly experienced. - You could call us "Bandits" as we do hunt players down for their gear. Sometimes for fun. - We love to have fun and joke around. Although when its time to be serious we get serious. Goals: - Find a home server - Fid a vehicle - Have the group fully geared - Have a stable camping area - ??? - Profit What we need: - Someone who is also experienced and knows the game. - Someone who is 16+ ( We dont care about how old you are as long as you are 16+ and have a sense of humor we will be good :) ) - Since its summer, we usually play 3-4 hours a day. Maybe even more depending on whats going on. So if you can match that it would be awesome. - Someone who we can trust Converted to Detta Squad What we could use: - A home server (low ping, preferably medium/low population) - A new ways of communication. Our vent server only holds 5 atm. Notice For all you bandits out there who lure people. We have nothing. We all died. Theres no point. Unless you want a flashlight. We are starting fresh. Leave your steam name if interested. Thanks! Converted to Detta Squad