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About Vocc

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    East Sussex
  1. Vocc

    Possible solution to KOS, hear me out

    I don't know if it's already been suggested but what is a karma system was introduced and instead of a playing saying whether they're a survivor or a bandit, their actions in the game move their karma into either negative (kill player, gain bad karma, become tagged with bandit) or positive (possibly helped a player, spoke with players, gain good karma, become tagged with survivor). There could even be a ranking system with tags such as king bandit etc
  2. Vocc

    DayZ Buddy

    Hi jwain22! Add me on steam - CatsWithDowns
  3. Vocc

    Computer specs and FPS

    On a side note too, I just downloaded and have been playing ArmA: Free. On 'high' settings it runs terribley with a really low FPS and slow response. However it runs smoothly on Very Low with a decent response time. Will this however make a difference on DayZ? Because some one mentioned before, all server settings are the same (textures and grass etc).
  4. Vocc

    Computer specs and FPS

    Thanks a lot for the advice - I'll go download it now :)
  5. Vocc

    Computer specs and FPS

    I see, so the best I could hope for is pushing an average of what, 20 - 30? 30 is doable, as long as I'm on an even playing field as everyone else.
  6. Vocc

    Computer specs and FPS

    I see, and what is the average FPS most people I come across are running on? My res is 1080 yes although couldn't I just drop the settings lower meaning I achieve a higher FPS? I'm looking to be able to play a smooth game, it's not fun if everything is just jumping around.
  7. Howdy y'all, Before I purchase ArmA II and ArmA II: OPAH in order to play DayZ I need to know whether or not my computer will be up to running it smoothly. I looked on 'can my computer run it' and, while I meet the minimum requirements (I have a GeForce 310 graphics card) I do not meet the recommended specs. Everything else checks out fine but could an experienced gamer/nerd please tell me what FPS rate I could expect and how well the game would run (I'm fairly happy running on the lowest of settings)? Here are my specs: Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU E7500 @ 2.93GHz 3.1 GB of RAM Windows XP Professional GeForce 310 Graphics Card with 1GB of dedicated RAM A speedy response would be greatly appreciated, Vocc