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Everything posted by Paddy0610

  1. Paddy0610

    New DayZ Idea

    You shoudl change the Topic from : New DayZ Idea to Im to lazy to use search function it must be a new idea even if it was discussed 100 times before Something like pen and Paper to write diarys will be implemented in the Standalone its already suggested several times and Rocket saw this and thought its an good idea. Edit: theres a Suggestion Forum: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/9-dayz-suggestions/
  2. i have done something so terrible wrong and now i can´t find any solution. I crashed my Helicopter and now it just explodes on every server restart. I checked the Situations on several Server restarts. Facts: -Its between 2-3 Trees -It doenst drop from the Sky --> so its on the Ground -On every restarts a explosion comes at the last known position -On restart/Explosion the Body of the Helicopter is missing (i dont fly´s arround or something like that) So may you guys got some ideas what could now help?
  3. Paddy0610

    Crashed Helicopter any Ideas?

    Ok Guys Problem solved, after arround 100 Restart good blees me for being the server owner. The heli moved in a position where it do not explode on restart(after about the half of the restarts it showed up is position for a few seconds it was facing the ground with the rotors spawning laying on his side). So your guys hope can be that on every restart the position changes a bit even if you dont see the helicopter. And for the one with trees arround we used our ural to chop them all down
  4. Paddy0610

    Worst Way You Ever Died

    I died after saying "V-rotor i don´t think its really needed to be repaired to fly the helicopter..."
  5. actually rocket told me in one thread that. If a bandit is bad (very low humanity) it will grant humanity. ill quote it wait... Thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/92913-fastest-way-lose-humanity/
  6. Paddy0610

    Crashed Helicopter any Ideas?

    the Problem is , will it really reaspawn? becouse it seems to spawn as normal then exploding on every restart.
  7. Paddy0610

    Side chat

    Side channel will be a reason for BLacklisting your Server, but if you got a private hive no Problem. I spoke to the Community SUpport couse i wantet to do it too. here a link to a Topic where it was said: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/94102-possible-to-enable-side-channel/
  8. I reached 1500 one Time its Pretty hard to get 1000 Kills in one livestream will take long time. I would try out to get them in Berenzino there are Hundrets of Zombies running arround
  9. Paddy0610

    suggestions are pointless

    Rcoket read sthe suggestion thread often and i think its just a matter of time until the good things get implementet. the only Pointless thing is the thread you made.
  10. Paddy0610

    What is going on????

    Really whats going on people can´t read or something ever tried posting in Dayz Gallery section? -place if i may watch the video and not only trolling-
  11. Paddy0610

    This game is in alpha. Expect bugs.

    If you playing an a Group and be honest to yourself. The Bugs brought up the most hilarious moments ingame. Atleast for me , how often i had to laugh my ass off dieing to an Tree or see my Friends get killed by doors or other random objects. For me the Bugs are a Part of the whole Dayz expirience.
  12. Paddy0610

    This game is in alpha. Expect bugs.

    He uses an Arma 2.5 Engine, it´s a Mix of all Arma Engine´s (i i dont get it wrong) to provide the best standalone expirience.
  13. Paddy0610

    This game is in alpha. Expect bugs.

    you all got wrong what Rocket said, he did not say we have to pay Arround 15 € for the Standalone. Rocket will pay us all 15 Euro for getting the Standalone becouse we are so good Alpha testers. For every Hacker Global banned 25€ were recived for an Standalone Alpha/Beta tester payout.
  14. Paddy0610

    This game is in alpha. Expect bugs.

    can´t be right we paid the game already , we must get it for free.
  15. Paddy0610

    Top 5 Suggestions From The Community

    Hmm my top 5 sugegstions made are: 1. People should use the search function 2. People should not open new Topics all the time with no clear sense 3.People really use the search function 4.http://dayzmod.com/f...-an-arma-2-mod/ (becouse good things merged together here) 5. The 4 above...
  16. Its a second to late, you pulled the trigger by beeing in the lobby with an maphack. And now you have to take the consequeces.
  17. 5 of 10 Times falling from Barns,roofs,some higher Groud, Pressing ejekt on the Helicopter,car accidents 2 of 10 Times killed by Random Objects --> i.e. Trees, stones walls, bed´s 3 of 10 Times killed by some other Players and very very rare hacker kills last death whole elektro was satel cahrged by some teleporting asshole^^
  18. Paddy0610

    FN FAL the best all rounder?

    Agreed MK48 = Aim with 100 Bullets
  19. Paddy0610

    Lingor query?

    Lingor uses a separate Private Hive, same goes for Taksitan and so on. If you play other maps your Cheranus charakter wont be Harmed wont lose/get stuff.
  20. the Bandit way to "give bloodbag" to an hurt survivor ^-^
  21. Paddy0610


    Sup, i guess you can call me a Forum User, i mostly post in this Forum and have quite seen the search bar. Im currently using the search option of the forum,just wondering do you guys too? http://dayzmod.com/f...e__hl__humanity PS:Question added in the PS can be found using the bar too omg :D
  22. Paddy0610


    Ban appeals Forum Section Hacker? Just assuming... y i know, its just meant to be sarcastic
  23. Paddy0610

    What tool is this?

    Sure i understand the point (it was no offense against you anyways just the tools as it is), but you can just Spectate Camps,hidden cars,Players moving in Firefights against your group, giving away player coordinates to get them killed etc.
  24. Paddy0610

    [deleted by apache25]

    Jsut keep calm... If you want to be a Medic, Just act like one Policemen? - Just kill the bandits in big towns. The rest - same here If you want a Role just do it. No need to make it with special spawning , its so easy to find the supllies you need for each one. Set spawning/weapon spawning discussed over and over. Nothing new here.
  25. Paddy0610


    Ok so you are a proved Hacker, just hack into the steam central Server and get a new one. Ah wait just a script kiddi, no help for you here