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Everything posted by Paddy0610

  1. Paddy0610

    Hollywood Style Suggestions

    Cars can take hundrets of shots and still drive. Abilitty for an drive by shootout if another car drives near yours. Some badass music when a car chases another. if you are close to die another survior will find and bandage you in the last second (maybe an npc or random teleport someon and force to do badage action)
  2. Paddy0610

    I did it again!

    May press the L = Light button? and my auto hover is on my 5 Mouse button so i dont have to use the scroll menu
  3. Paddy0610

    Dayz Private Hive - 100% no hacks

    Sound legit? okay thanks for the information. Basicly i got no idea how a hacker sounds ^^ Wish you guys luck for it :)
  4. Paddy0610

    Dayz Private Hive - 100% no hacks

    And what exactly prevents hacker from joining the ts then get the password and an id? - No offense just asking...
  5. Its just another Bandits Trollolol thread. Why people always want to punish one sort of players. Like rly 30 minutes on a chair? do you ever thought over how much time working people have for an game. Maybe 1 Hour or 2 Two? so basicily if he is tied up on a chair he have to wait he spare time sitting there... Barricading is ok - Obejkts like doors could respawn after 20 Minutes and be destroyed from all kind of weapons and fists... or Chuck Norris style roundhouse kicked 1 Hit (not rly ^^)...
  6. Paddy0610

    Is there anyway to check your humanity?

    I think the monkey Monitor is a script used by hackers... But anyway it seems to be the onloy option to look for your humanity. Don´t trust in the MEssages by the Monkey thing they can be faked out.
  7. Paddy0610

    Stand Alone: Clan Pack; Steam Purchase Option

    I would like the option, i need to purchase 4 Copys only for my Familie ^^ - so basicly i would save me money. And if i count our whole group we need about 8 Copys so the option to purchase packages of mutiple copies would be nice. But i would purchase them anyways if there are no Packages, since i had so much fun with dayz and want to stay with Dayz Standalone.
  8. Paddy0610

    Reason behind your username?

    My names Paddy ... Simple becouse its my nickname in Reallife (comes from Patrick).. Ingame i play as Paddy when im alone. As i play in group my IGN is NAVY SEAL TEAM SIX , just becouse my mates choosed it xD and i like the seals, we are all called the same just with more spaces behind. My forum Name ist paddy0610 becouse ... now it comes... Paddy was grabbed already... And the 0610 = 06.10.(1989) is actually my birthday. So i just like it simple , its in my opinion the most effetiv :D
  9. Paddy0610

    A Short Murder Compilation

    Wow you must be good killing unarmed player... hard to even fail in shooting when the enemy is no treat at all...
  10. Paddy0610

    Latest Dayz version

    may try using commander? it can show it i think. Edit: wait you want to have verswion or stay on 1.62?
  11. Paddy0610

    Looking for Elektro specialists.

    It´s it a bit unfair to kill newbies just geared up in elektro?... I like the fact you seem to organize it well but the goal seems pretty bad in my opionion. May some Heroes should hunt you bandits down :P
  12. Paddy0610


    Theres a server file with all restrictions (when i renember right) and the numbers if battleye is configurated wrong it will kick for reasons that arn´t a bad at all. May contakt the admin like sula said so he can remove the restriction...
  13. But you could place a Tent for yourself alone i don´t see the disadvantage in palying alone. as Clan you need more tents -Harder to Hide as Lonewolf you need 1 tent - Easier to Hide maybe harder to acess a Tent and get the Weapons and supllies for it - But if you got one you are in a better position. Sure being in a Team got more other advantages liek teammate pick up gear when you die, maybe lift you, even share the gear with you after your dead. But if you dont like to play alone just search for people to play with.
  14. Paddy0610

    Steam Pre-Order date?

    I would like rocket to make Preoder availibel on 17.12.2012 and the game will be playable on 24.12.2012. So he would make thousand of Player happy. In advance we all call him further on - Dean "Santa" Hall - for the next 12 Month
  15. I play in a clan and i play alone. Clangames atm only at Private Hive Maps. Lonewolf on Cheranus - im Friendly. It´s easy to hunt down a Clan Group if you are alone since they are more likely to be spottet (since of group size). Anyways i play as a Hero, get to know people ingame by speaking to them on Direkt Com. Its so fun and even more fun when they are new to the game and you can really help them to make there way trough the towns and Landscape. Just make a Story out of your gameplay. The last Guy i met was so Happy, we found an SUV later on in the Middle of the night, it was his first car he couldn´t believe his luck. He had the most fun this night and he wasn´t expecting the game was going in this direction when he logs on (he reapeatet its alomsit 5 times lol ^^). For me its a nice feeling to log off after a Round of Dayz knowing you made someone Happy, Helped him or even made his Day(z) by taking him on an adventure though cheranus.
  16. Paddy0610

    crossbow - 10 arrows in one slot.

    We only need to hope that rocket doesn´t say - You want a quiver for arrow? drop your backpack to carry it ^^ It seemed to get an accurate scope whitch makes it a pretty decent weapon in my opinion. You could shot as distance and be quit at same time. Makes it the perfect weapon for an Ninja kill :D
  17. Paddy0610

    crossbow - 10 arrows in one slot.

    i think it will be quit more than it but how much is uknown. It will get an better aim function and theres an Picture in one of Rocket´s Power Point Presentation he used.
  18. Paddy0610

    crossbow - 10 arrows in one slot.

    In the standalone you can hold 2(with quiver) instead of 1 arrow.... this makes it doubel effektiv... Edit: the sentence above isn´t the truth.. I knew it and postet just for fun. There are no detailed informations about it. And probably wont be until the SA is released.
  19. Paddy0610

    Server recommendation

    Probably every server "can" be attacked by an Hacker you never know for sure. But may you search an server with an Whitlisting tool, lazy hackers won´t come on it. At the moment its the best way to prevent a hack kill. Just look up the Private hive section (link below) http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/64-private-hive-discussion/
  20. Paddy0610


    then no hope is left, you need to wait till battleye respons. Mods,Admins and dev´s can´t do anything about it...
  21. Paddy0610


    wait, did you try to join another server afterwards? or postet here directly? if im right i readed that some time time ago hacker trolled by messaging the player with popups, messages or something ingame. #146774 seems not like the normal Guid´s start.
  22. Paddy0610


    Some wierd combiantions our there. Didn´t know shift + P would bann... If yes it will become the Ultimate Alt + f4 of dayz ^^ Maybe you downlaoded something before? or pressed some dubious links?
  23. You launched both game 1 time before trying to play dayz? Your starting the game with the help of the commander or six or by just clicking the arma oa.exe? May giving a little more information , could be usefull edit:some gramma was wrong...
  24. I don´t like the instance idea at all. The plan is to make a large Cheranus Plus Map. So people will spread over the map other then now. i think it will solve the "high end gear player camping" problem on his own. Also the weapons won´t be abel to be duped in the Standalone which will dramaticly decrease the high end gear ingame. Also basicily the weapon focus for the Standalone are "home weapons" and lower tier weapons. Which in my opionion sound like the Killer Sniper´s will be removed. Banking (you mean storing?) - Underground struktures are planned to be implementet they will at least be instances, that can be acessed by players and used to store items i think. Rocket meantioned something like it before. Rocket also said in an interview that he thinks he will implement new maps over time where player can travel, so we will he some fresh things coming up. Trades should be like now , its okay the System work... And why turn off the Dangerous side of trades. People should find there own way to trade and how to make it save. last but not least, i hope there wont be any currency implementet so players can choose what they want to trade and what the price/items for it should be.