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Everything posted by Paddy0610

  1. Paddy0610

    Fastest way lose -humanity?

    I hunt bandits and killed plenty of them , i never gained humanity. But nice to know thanks rocket :D
  2. Paddy0610

    Fastest way lose -humanity?

    Heal other people, killing Bandits got no inpact on Humanity at the moment. Blood baggin gives the most Humanity + Ps: dont try shooting a mate and then bloodbag, every Player hit lowers humanity again
  3. Paddy0610

    Make DayZ Scary Again.

    Think it will be done: One Line Rocket answere Thread
  4. Paddy0610

    Hacker encounter

    Every Game has this issues, i dont knwo why people always Conplain about Dayz. Arma 2 only has 1 difference to other games about Hacks, it gives the Possibilty to Spawn things etc. Every Online Shooter = Wallhack , Aimbots, Other Bots, Coop Hacks, Instant KIlls etc. Browser Games = Scripting ressouces Expirience etc. and so on...
  5. Paddy0610

    DayZ suggestion #2 - Attachments

    This is already suggested for the Standalone, and it will be in the Standalone. Also it already developt in Arma 3 and will be in Dayz Standalone too. ill quote Rocket: i think Arma 3 has things Like Laser Pointer different Scopes, flashlights and NV´S (can´t confirm could be more or less)
  6. Paddy0610


    Fuck Hambuergs, get bacon in. Or we do the Fusion and get a Bacon Hamburger ingame :D
  7. Paddy0610


    He´s global Banned , and Multiposting^^ the 2 other Threads of Today --> http://dayzmod.com/f...ed-from-us-303/ --> http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/92872-banned-for-looting-items-from-dead-body/
  8. Global Banned? then deal with http://battleye.com/support.html If your banned on an Local Server --> Try to contact the Server Admin. If you want to get Forum Banned just open more Thread called banned with the same things to say :) ->http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/92873-banned-from-us-303/#entry872935 ->http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/92871-banned/#entry872910 Delete 2 of them , or all 3 becouse --> http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10011-do-not-post-your-global-ban-appeals/ like you say in one of the thread you are Global banned... Do not Post Global Ban Appeals and read Stickies...
  9. Paddy0610

    Oh Ok DayZ/Battleye..

    Im wondering why all the "oh wait i never hacked an now banned, probably msitaking Battleye" People never ever used the Forum. And for more "help" it needs the infos smash asked for...
  10. Signed , hope we hear some good news about it soon.
  11. Paddy0610

    My Hand Shakes

    That sounds very Bad, it would go to Doctor asap. And may try to change may allround behavior. The thing that you ask in a Forum first before visiting the Doctor seems to show that you maybe are to Focused on Computer/internet.
  12. Paddy0610

    less hackers...

    Its just a feeling of you, my own server was only attacked 1 time by an Hacker. The Lingor Server that i play on has about 4+ Hackers a Day. And pls People stop opening sensless hacking Threads, unless you got an way to control the Hacking or something Helpfull to say. But even in this case it would be wrong to open a forum Topic instead of contacting Battleye...
  13. Paddy0610

    No UH1H on my own Server?

    We crashed our several Times too. It used to respawn where it crashed when it was unsaved at crash. you searched the right position?
  14. Paddy0610

    Tent mechanics - please clarify

    They save , mostly i Think. We moved a whole Camp (20 Tents) from Server A to B working all correctly in
  15. Paddy0610

    How to instantly make dayz more fun

    Ever Tried running down a Hill getting chased by Zombies? They are so Afraid of it they commit suicide.
  16. Paddy0610

    How to instantly make dayz more fun

    I agree the Game at beginning is: Newbie Game = Pain in the Ass, until you figured out how to find Starter Weapon --> MIdgame Midgame= get to Know the Cities first PvP Encounters , Still Pain in the Ass getting Killed by High end gear. Lucky Killing someon raiding airfield--> Engame. Engame = Having Tents with all you can imagin , Dead no problem Chopper fly me to Base. I find myself standing surrounded by 10 or more zombies shooting a Player dont even paying Attention to them. Why should ii, if i onyl need to run though the next building. Game need Harder Zombs maybe more Zombs, And Duping Fixed.
  17. Damn you , had to laugh hard while watching this at work , Luck my Boss didn´t heard me.
  18. Paddy0610

    My Servers are shutting down

    It´s not easy to be an Admin every TIme a Hacker comes or something goes wrong people blame it on you. No one see´s that most Admin Paying Money to have the Server up for the Community. And for some Admins the point comes where its to much no sense in being the Asshole and Spending Money, so shut down the Server and search a new as a regular Player.
  19. Paddy0610

    DayZTakistan 1.2?

    just use it to update and leave it alone when you don´t need it ^^
  20. Paddy0610

    DayZTakistan 1.2?

    Dayz Commander - CHecked it update availibel there
  21. Best way 3 Warnings on 3 Logins (can be countet though every one has single GUID) after the 3 Hacked Weapon login/with warning Full Charakter WIpe.There dont need to be a ban for a weak it works this way to. Warning should have in which Item is Hacked and that it should be droped or there will be a wipe. WHy no week ban? becouse there are rly people arroudn that dont know whats hacked or not
  22. Paddy0610

    Weapon Attachments

    It not onyl been planned, it had been suggested moren then 10 times only Today. May its time for another Player base drop Thread.
  23. Paddy0610

    Ugh. dissapointing!

    Always use the thing, they are made to use.Ilove people walking arroudn with the Biggest weapon dont even know how to handle it becouse they never shot them.
  24. Paddy0610

    First gun you ever found in DayZ?

    Lee Enfield , found at Prigorodki. I was so Proud of finaly finding an Gun and felt like i never could die again. Until i meet another survivor...
  25. Paddy0610

    Things you've never found

    Just 1 thing missing damn Holo Weapon. All Other thing Found playing for about 3 Month now i think.