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Everything posted by Kyrator

  1. Kyrator

    Thank you for taking out the respawn button.

    Hacked weapon,good job taking hacked items.
  2. Shutting down a server is not against the ToS. There is no rule that states there is a minimum up time required so your argument is invalid and since "locking" and "shutting down" are two completely different things I am sure admins will agree with me.
  3. Kyrator

    Why Don't the Zombies Just Run Straight?

    Yeah I think it's retarded that if you run from zombies you cannot kill them without risking being hit,if you try to run away then turn around to shoot them then you only have split second to react if you want to avoid damage.
  4. In your opinion. Please tell me what should I do after I get my AS50,L85 ASW and my Ghillie suit?Do you want me to continue looting for gear I don't need?Obviously since I have the best gear I could possibly have I am going to kill people with it and just because noobs like you make themselves easy targets doesn't mean I should stop being a sniper. And for the record I have met unarmed people and helped them but anyone with something bigger than a handgun is a threat and needs to die,
  5. And there lies the problem,people think they can run around the coast like idiots and expect to not be shot.
  6. I have only died to players three times,one in Cherno while looting a store,once outside Kabanino while looking for food and once at the NWAF looting for weapons. Having said that the majority of deaths by players seem to happen around Cherno and Elektro where all the stupid noobs swarm to while I always go to Balota or anywhere else I can find a decent weapon before heading North. I think if people(noobs)stopped swarming to cities unarmed the kill count would be a lot lower.
  7. Kyrator

    M1911 or G17?

    G17 is better in my opinion,the high rof compensates for the low damage.
  8. When I killed the people in this thread http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/50191-grand-theft-auto/ I felt pretty bad for a couple of the noobs we had to kill however if it has a sniper or a high rof weapons then it's free game.
  9. Sometimes I wonder why I have so much ammo and so few meds......turns out I've never been in a hospital:D
  10. So me and my friend#1 are running South from the NWAF to meet with my friend#2 who is at the coast,we kill two randoms on the way before running into a forest.....and there we see a truck,we scout the surroundings before advancing. When we get to the truck we find out that not only is it working perfectly but has dozens of items and weapons in the trunk,so we get in and drive to meet my friend.When all three of us meet we get all the guns and supplies we need before setting off on a grand adventure!Meaning we started driving over all the players we saw running around in the cities. Then we finally arrive at the coast,we shoot some fresh spawns who try to steal from the truck while we try to park it before putting a 50cal into the engine block,it blows up spectacularly and makes for a great campfire on the night time server,while we hide in the bushes we see dozens of noobs running over to the flaming wreck to check it out before engaging in mortal combat for our entertainment.(We didn't kill any more fresh spawns after the first two who tried to steal shit so don't QQ)
  11. Kyrator

    Grand Theft Auto

    Yeah,although I was slightly disturbed when an unarmed guy slightly north of Balota started shouting "Friendly" through his mic,when we heard him we pulled over and noticed that he was unarmed so I suggested we give him a gun. When I turned around to cover our back I hear a single gunshot and see a NAME has died message. My friend decided to kill him,I guess the guy did get a "gun" to the head.
  12. Kyrator


    I am still fourteen and I am beginning to wonder if you will ever realize that the excuse you are using is old and irrelevant. Just for the record English is my second language too.
  13. Kyrator


    I am fourteen and I am beginning to wonder if you will ever spell "you're" correctly.
  14. Kyrator


    Beans,you have them.
  15. Kyrator


    Stop stereotyping,I am fourteen yet I seem to be more mature than half the player on the servers,or atleast more merciful.
  16. Kyrator

    Grand Theft Auto

    We also gave out some free weapons to a couple of unarmed guys we met on the way if it makes you feel better : D
  17. Kyrator

    [Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia

    Profile Name:Kyrator Player ID (Not SteamID):7197062 Why do you wish to join the Militia:I wish to join the militia because I find that playing without a major goal is very boring. What can you offer the Militia:Me and one of my friends often go looting and have 6 or more weapons that we just leave behind that could be used to arm people within the group,I am also a decent sniper and I don't mind being the medic. Are you a team player:Yes,I do not mind giving up one of my weapons to arm someone who just died/joined and I do not mind losing my gear for the team. Are you willing to lose your gear if required:Yes I am. Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which:Nope. Extra Information:
  18. Kyrator

    Trading 10 tin cans for...

    I heard if you get 25cans and melt them down you can forge them into a banhammer.
  19. I have a question,what stops people from getting their squad and heading to green mountain then logging onto your server and killing everyone?Or what if it's just a single guy who accidentaly logs onto your server and gets killed?
  20. *Facepalm* DayZ uses all the weapons from ARMA without altering them,the mod doesn't affect weapons at all so how the fuck is it a DayZ change?
  21. RO2 is indeed much more realistic in some aspects but not so much in others. Like when you try to aim and if a bullets flies beside you your aim shakes for no reason.
  22. I am pretty sure that didn;t change loot mechanics. To everyone else,if you don't want to read the guide then gtfo because me and my friends use this to farm the NWAF for dozens of guns so that we don't need to spend two days regaining the gear we lost when we died.