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About EnzomeLegions

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    On the Coast

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  1. EnzomeLegions

    Getting frustrated.. Instantly dieng when spawning

    Azrail.. support ticket?? explain?? And im sorry others are having the same issue, but im happy im not the only one with this issue.. I bought the game recently aswell.. mabye thats it.. I have no clue, just wanna play this mod asap
  2. EnzomeLegions

    Getting frustrated.. Instantly dieng when spawning

    Ill let you know if the hourglass loads this year.. No it doesnt move.. it never moves and it never has.. Besides im joining completely random servers how could i have played them before and logged out when i was unconscious. its really annoying me because its a great mod and i would love to play it.. and im just so damn close to playing, but no, i have to be unconscious for eternity. ill leave the game running.. mabye it will settle itself out.. very doubtful, but im hoping ps. the blooddrop icon is always flashing as this happens.. the hourglass just never moves
  3. So.. someone explain to me how and why this is happening.. i join a server.. everythings going smoothly. when suddenly, "setup is complete, please wait" awesome its gonna work this time. Icons start appearing and landscape is rendering, but ohhhh noooo.. im dead.. it doesnt even get to the "Your dead" banner, the bloody green hourglass loading thing just sits there. Cant do anything.. besides loook at my hands laying on the floor. cant press respawn, forced to alt f4 out of the game. iv verified all steam files re installed six launcher re installed latest patch's raged alot tried every server possible ( same thing with all) So yer, i havnt played dayz once since i got it soooo, help would be awesome.