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Grandchamp (DayZ)

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About Grandchamp (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Grandchamp (DayZ)

    complaining about a server (rise of the germans) in deutsch.

    To make your life easier potato, thread can be closed. It was just a misinterpretation. His brother missread the title.
  2. Grandchamp (DayZ)

    Most fun way to play Dayz.

    Judeing by your playstyl I recommend dayz origins. You can build houses which are mostly save from raiding and you dont havw to worry so much about your gear. There is plenty stuff to such as raiding sector b for a high military loot or the small barrack, where usally some guys are on everytime. Despite the disrespect from this community abot this mod I quite like it and you too should give it a try.
  3. Q: How does the lootspawn work? Does it spawn with the server restart, will respawn? Or is it like currently when a player enters the area the loot will spawn and despawn again when leaves?
  4. Grandchamp (DayZ)

    What Do You Think About DayZ DLC's?

    Screw dlc's, bring back addons!
  5. It makes the player think twice before he/she does anything. Imagine you put 2+ days into the charakter you play. You see a car uphead and some corpses around it. In a game without perma death you simply walk ahead and try to get into said car. But with perma death you actually think about to ignore it and move on, always thinking you could be spotted and everything you have is gone. This creates an immersion no other game can and also interestin szenarios. -Crassplaya
  6. Grandchamp (DayZ)

    Crafting Suggestions (no discussion)

    Input : 5 x Rounds of ammo, 2 x Ink pens, 1 x Toilet Paper Output : 5 x Small fireworks Tools : Pliers - Knife - Box of Matches FailChance = 2% causing a small explosion which will give you light injuries. Enchantments = ActionType = blueprint Able to build small fireworks which can be thrown to distract zeds and players. Yeah makes sense now, thanks Hogs
  7. Grandchamp (DayZ)

    Crafting Suggestions (no discussion)

    Input (1xTank trap,5xScrap metal,1xSandbag) Output (Riot Shield) Tools (Toolbox,Welder,Angel grinder) FailChance 0 Enchantments = ActionType = Blueprint Build a heavy riot shield which will give you front cover from small calibers and Zed attacks. While wielding the shield you CANT use your secondary weapon since the shield is improvised and everything else than comfortable. Good for storming a building or to cover allies. Encourages teamplay.
  8. Grandchamp (DayZ)

    Crafting Suggestions (no discussion)

    Input (1xempty tin can,2xempty bottle,1xduct tape, 1xpencil/marker) Output (Crossbow Scope) Tools (Toolbox) FailChance 0 Enchantments = ActionType = Blueprint The scope aint exactly for real zooming rather then make aiming easier.
  9. Grandchamp (DayZ)

    Crafting Suggestions (no discussion)

    Input (3xScrapmetal,5xHunting knife) Output (Barbed wire) Tools (Toolbox) FailChance: 0.5 chance to cut yourself and need to bandage Enchantments = none ActionType = blueprint Able to build and place barbed wire to protect your camps from gettin raided. Everyone who try to pass the wire (walking/vaulting) will take heavy damage and bleed. Can be destroyed with a bolt clipper/toolbox.
  10. Grandchamp (DayZ)

    Most annoying way you have died in DayZ?

    the EXACT same thing happend to me and some friends too. My advice, never drive some sort of vehicle near the docks. We too drove a firetruck and just before that accident, we had an suv which flipped over.
  11. Me and a friend of mine were in cherno or elektro cant remember. The city where the supermarket is opposite the school building. Well me and my friend were in said supermarket. As we wanted to move out from the back exit we were suddenly shot. We head back in just to find out that the main entrance was guarded too. After a while we got our shit together and made a run to the school. I run first he was behind me, atleast i thought so. He yelled over the mic "I AM RIGHT BEHIND YOU". Ok fine when I entered the building I suddenly saw a person to my right running towards me. Without any hesitation/panicked I shot him with my winchester. Needless to say that said person didnt survived it and of course it was my friend. But to be fair, he said he is behind me and not right from me. After the shock settled down we laighed our ass off while a zed broke my leg and I was mauled to death.
  12. Grandchamp (DayZ)


    People like you should be banned.
  13. Grandchamp (DayZ)

    I found a mystic item!

    win comment thanks for the laugh
  14. Grandchamp (DayZ)

    Am I the only one around here....

    You guys are serious about the shitting part? Seriously what the fucking hell. I dont care what it adds to the mechanic its just plain wrong.
  15. Grandchamp (DayZ)

    Strange happenings in a barn...

    dafuq did i just read