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Everything posted by Dankine

  1. Dankine

    A cheater wanted me to cheat?

    that error is just that you're not on the access list for that server. as it clearly says.
  2. Also, it is now a career. You can (if you are the very best) make quite a lot of money.
  3. Dankine

    The best anticheat system?

    gotcha does for tping doesnt it?
  4. Dankine

    Remove Krutoy Cap.

    why? tis one of the better ones imo
  5. not been on the site much then?
  6. Dankine

    Dayz Standalone

    problems like? and vac probably. a truly awesome ac.
  7. Dankine

    Celle pronunciation

    if only there had been a thread about it... http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/109220-dayz-commandertaviana-a-question-for-the-community/page__hl__taviana
  8. Dankine

    Whats up with loot saves?

    you were most likely joining private hive servers. derp.
  9. The real thing being a zombie apocalypse? Right... Success in a game can mean huge amounts in real life. Very naive to say otherwise.
  10. Dankine

    BattleEye Restriction #45

    if only there were a search function, or a thread about the same problem on the first page... http://dayzmod.com/f...e-suit-problem/ get the server owner to sort their filters out.
  11. Dankine


    telling people not to cry about exploiting the game, all while crying about a bug....lol the fewer people like you playing the better.
  12. They were vastly superior warriors though. Vastly.
  13. eras in early development of humans (being homo sapiens) that were way more harsh than a zombie apocalypse? are you joking? it isn't random murder though, it is keeping yourself and your group safe, while scavenging.
  14. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/14-survivor-hq/
  15. When you make unfunny threads such as this!
  16. Dankine

    Celle pronunciation

    who cares it's poo
  17. Erm, it would be the epitome of selfish, and I never kill just to kill.
  18. I'll shoot you for any reason I want thanks :) The realism argument is entirely bunk. In all likelihood there would be a lot of violence.
  19. Dankine

    ghillie suit problem

    yes http://killzonekid.c...update-on-dayz/ google...
  20. Dankine

    ghillie suit problem

    you need to get the server admin to sort out their filters.
  21. pvp is a core part of the game...
  22. Dankine


    either because you apparently don't understand how it works, or you've fallen foul of a ban.
  23. Dankine

    Combat Logging

    that part of it hasn't been implemented yet
  24. Dankine

    Steam for the Standalone.

    and then nothing happens because dice are fucking incompetent. has been said repeatedly that it will be on steam.
  25. Dankine

    Standalone release before or after Christmas?

    It doesn't look like a hint, it looks like a throwaway comment from a guy who is working really hard at the moment. Like I said, comprehension. Not putting a link in the first place is pretty fucking dim.