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Everything posted by Dankine

  1. Dankine

    Today i met the stupidest squad

    not as scary as clown rape
  2. ah, i was looking for build numbers. overlooked the rolling thread. cheers.
  3. You still can't grasp how you contradicted yourself. Nothing to do with the inside/outside thing. I even highlighted it for you so it would be super clear. Remember that little point about education? Comprehension is a big part of that, A skill you appear to not possess. Am not arguing with someone who can't even understand the argument. As you've demonstrated you don't on two separate occasions now. Saying "Maybe you should have went (sic) to a better school" is just pure irony. Cretin.
  4. Why does the fact that someone didn't know about it change the fact that you still had to be indoors to avoid damage? Nah, it is just stupid. Plain and simple. Adds nothing whatsoever to the game. Try not to be so incredibly snotty, especially when you are wrong about you having contradicted yourself. Pure contradiction. Maybe learn English before trying such complex discussions. I know what the word means, but then again I have an education. Seems to be where we differ, yankee.
  5. You had to get inside before, The EVR is stupid, and you contradict yourself entirely,
  6. the bloodsuckers are pointless, offer no additional challenge etc. they're retardedly easy to kill. the evr is a stupid addition imo, adds nothing whatsoever.
  7. Dankine

    Thunder storm explosion hack?

    an hourglass. as always, read the fucking patch notes.
  8. Dankine

    Can't save tents?

    mmm patchnotes
  9. Dankine

    [L85]Am I bannable?

    Because it now gives you even more of an advantage.
  10. what is the game without the looming danger of pvp? you lot are worse than the cheaters.
  11. Dankine

    DayZ PC vs Console

    it doesn't suggest anything of the sort.
  12. valve have said, repeatedly, that should steam ever die all the games you've bought will still be available to you. no real difference.
  13. Dankine

    Help please!!!

    find and delete the file it downloaded
  14. Dankine

    Do you even aim???

    what are you talking about aiming up?
  15. Dankine

    DayZ Standalone & Battleye

    it doesnb vac does ban waves too. it doesn't ban you from steam.
  16. Dankine

    I need help increasing my FPS

    google for yourself? http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CDEQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dayzpvp.com%2Fultimate-dayz-graphics-settings-and-tweaks-guide%2F&ei=-UDHUJnPHeLb0QX-4oDoCw&usg=AFQjCNFqomOxgc0Uw3rDj4_B5vpc-jLaNw&bvm=bv.1354675689,d.d2k
  17. Dankine

    DayZ Standalone & Battleye

    Note the person without a clue passing judgement.
  18. Dankine

    DayZ Standalone & Battleye

    battleye is far from garbage.
  19. Dankine

    Hd cars and stuff? :O

    so why not post them instead of trying to sound like you're intelligent and royally butchering it?
  20. Dankine

    DayZ Standalone & Battleye

    No, you won't. Cheat on there and you will be banned however.
  21. Dankine

    Hd cars and stuff? :O

    trying to ward off potential suitors I see.