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Everything posted by Dankine

  1. Dankine

    What a h**king joke...

    just leave it running
  2. Dankine


    someone dropped them then, they are only from hospitals.
  3. Dankine


    why would you play with the female skin when you can't wear gillies?
  4. doesn't matter how you get it.
  5. exactly. really isn't an epidemic (there's no pun there).
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RF0H-oDT2LM
  7. punkbuster is so very very easy to bypass, that is the point that was being made.
  8. Dankine

    I want beards NOW!

    you can have a beard in game already.
  9. Dankine

    Standalone by September? No chance

    The reasons have been stated over and over. Not least in the posts you chose to ignore in your rush to repeat what has already been written.
  10. Dankine

    Standalone by September? No chance

    I posted what an argument was because you don't appear to know. I also said don't be condescending when you don't know what you are talking about (in this instance, the reasons why WarZ will be bad). Comprehension my friend...and while you're at it, grammar and spelling. His arguments consist of "you're all fanboys, keep sitting on that dick". You're seriously saying those are "as valid"? Either way, I'm done talking to you.
  11. Dankine

    Standalone by September? No chance

    argument: a reason or set of reasons given in support of an idea my reasons (argument) for thinking it will be shite (opinion), based on the facts they have released. Really quite simple and you trying to write some convoluted pseudo intellectual post doesn't change anything I've said. I never said my opinion was an argument, I said the game would be shite for x reasons, those reasons being the argument. Stop trying to make it look as if people have said things they haven't.
  12. nah he was a hacker, just a benevolent one.
  13. inconceivable that hackers were following them and doing it on purpose.
  14. Dankine

    Standalone by September? No chance

    My opinions are based on the facts they have released about the game. Safe zones, buying things in game. Just two of the reasons why it will be ass. Really shouldn't condescend when you haven't the first clue what you are talking about.
  15. Dankine

    What happened to DayZ?

    They're the second person in this thread.
  16. Dankine

    DayZ wiki and Rangefinder

    drop binos, pick up rangefinders. they go in the bino slot. press b
  17. Dankine

    Standalone by September? No chance

    The calling it a watered down, carebear game is the argument. Attacking a person in an attempt to invalidate their argument is nothing like attacking the game btw.
  18. Dankine

    Release the damn patch, Please.

    except it has fixed it for everyone I know who had the problem. except for randoms on a forum. I wonder if it could be that they're idiots. an ass in irc, an ass on the forums it seems.
  19. Dankine

    Standalone by September? No chance

    don't give any semblance of an argument, just attack people. that'll prove your point. warz is and will be a watered down, carebear game. hence, shit.
  20. Dankine

    Release the damn patch, Please.

    video memory default, sorted it everytime for friends. sort your problems out rather than bitching at someone else to do it.
  21. 100+ in the outdoors, 50/60 in towns. whinge a bit more?
  22. Dankine

    Helicopters already patched in?

    as in crash sites? or flyable choppers?
  23. Dankine

    Alpha access ... A good idea?

    yeah they test extensively, and betas are often used for testing of sorts too (much larger numbers are possible with them than with your internal testing team).
  24. Dankine


    it's the same on every forum there ever was...
  25. Dankine

    Change apearance ?

    yup and losing*