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Everything posted by Dankine

  1. guess they've not LEARNT to find me yet.
  2. Dankine

    Dayz is not that amazing?

    "I play this game like a million other fps games and then complain that, to me, it seems the same as a million other fps games. Then bitch at people who say that is the reason I don't get it" wp op. head -> ass.
  3. really don't know how you all keep managing to find hackers so much.
  4. Dankine

    Green mountain?

    sounds like an ex of mine.
  5. you can't equate not having time for religious idiocy to racism.
  6. Dankine

    Green Mountain - Share Your Stories

    video memory default. quit.
  7. fair play, you have my vote!
  8. or you could just run.
  9. Dankine

    Hackers is taking over DayZ

    moaning about hackers isn't bug reporting.
  10. Dankine

    Im done for now

    "learnt" is actually the past participle. "learned" is an adjective. the more you know! (the less you look like a tool when you try to correct someone)
  11. Dankine

    Im done for now

    except it isn't, and emblematic isn't what you mean. arma2 is injectable by design, that doesn't mean it is broken, it means it isn't the best engine for this type of game. clue.
  12. Dankine

    Green Mountain - Share Your Stories

    went there with two mates, cleared it out, had a look about. then I spot someone else arriving, somehow they managed to flank us (sigh) and I die, only to be cloned moments later next to my still warm corpse. I start picking my shit up and all of a sudden my mates yell he is behind me again (they shot him after he killed me) but only he goes down this time. we hurry away before anything else untoward happens.
  13. just because you are screaming friendly in no way ensures the person you are talking to is.
  14. Dankine

    Im done for now

    you didn't pay for dayz though. redundant argument. doors are only a danger if you're stupid enough to let them open through you.
  15. Dankine

    Im done for now

    if you're getting killed by doors...wow. move when you open them? really not a big deal.
  16. might it be the fact that it is no longer just a bugfix release, as is becoming common knowledge.
  17. gotta love it, whinges on irc, then whinges on here.
  18. Dankine

    What a h**king joke...

    he's just asking the guy not to swear. utterly unreasonable I know
  19. Dankine

    Looking for a Possy;D (EU)

    costs to host it, not to just join a server. a million times better than skype either way. (ahemmumbleahem)
  20. Dankine

    What exactly is Lingor Island ?

    but it's tiny
  21. Dankine

    Alright my first helicopter!! \m/

    your first clue was that they are children...
  22. Dankine

    Suggestion forum.

    people really don't bother looking at/for anything before acting. spoooooonfeed me please!
  23. Dankine

    What a h**king joke...

    You ask me how often it happens, all I can give you is my experience. Then you attempt to bash me for it. Wow.
  24. Dankine

    What a h**king joke...

    Never happened to me, only seen hackers (or evidence of) twice. Seriously though, having such an utter meltdown over it is pretty childish.