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Everything posted by Dankine

  1. Dankine

    Bad CD Key TWICE?

    lol, just buy another key rather than looking for solutions? smart move to buy it from the same place as well, just in case that was the problem. try running steam as admin.
  2. Dankine

    A warning to everyone...

    because we won't believe your assumption, when we know it is false? hilarity ensues.
  3. they tried once, and are continuing to try to sort it. if you have a magic bullet for it, by all means enlighten them. fast, untested updates aren't good practise. and the community is the community, try to change it or hush. not like they've had anything else on their plates recently either eh?
  4. Dankine

    A warning to everyone...

    you didn't lose your char because you were kicked, simple as.
  5. you expect everything to change entirely in a month?
  6. my. god. they are working on it, there is a wealth of information about it. you don't need updates every other moment.
  7. Dankine

    A warning to everyone...

    how did you lose your char on a simple kick? it's an anti scripting safeguard
  8. Dankine

    Opinions on releasing DayZ on console?

    cross platform won't happen. partly because it is an awful idea. the skill ceilings are so different that console players would have no chance whatsoever.
  9. Dankine

    Opinions on releasing DayZ on console?

    console is made for first person shooters? ahahahahhaha is that why even the best console players get destroyed by pc shitters?
  10. Dankine

    Regarding the newest beta patch

    aaaaaand sarcasm.
  11. Dankine

    Regarding the newest beta patch

    if only there was a changelog
  12. you can't really know this was a cheater unless you saw him appear from nowhere.
  13. Dankine

    Big sad face..

    crying off != crying. wasn't berating you, was highlighting that you may have made a rash choice based on two unlucky incidents. stary is far more dangerous, on the average server, than the airfield.
  14. Dankine

    Admin Abuse

    you must be playing on some pretty shitty servers then, never had problems with admins.
  15. Dankine

    Admin Abuse

    yay generalisations
  16. Dankine

    Am I Cheating/Hacking

    please tell me you're not talking about the "spawn at shore" bug
  17. your processor is something like 3 years old, and probably not even that great then. your card is old, and pretty shitty. what kinda ram? what speeds? so yeah, ancient is apt.
  18. Dankine

    Big sad face..

    quite possibly the best loot spawn location in the game, and you're crying off after two unlucky runs?
  19. Dankine

