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Everything posted by Dankine

  1. Dankine

    Graphical Glitches or Dogs

    no way both could be done...
  2. Dankine

    What will make DayZ a better Mod?

    they were created in parallel, you really need to get a clue before opening your mouth. also, prove. (and still, console)
  3. see where he says he was getting bollocked through admin chat?
  4. Dankine

    To the jerk who killed me

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/62195-server-hosting-rules/ #14
  5. Dankine

    What will make DayZ a better Mod?

    thanks, but I know what words mean because I have some semblance of an education. consoles aren't superior, you've been told why. you just keep on with your dogmatic mantra though. (fyi, you aren't trolling anyone)
  6. Dankine

    To the jerk who killed me

    no such thing as a no pvp server. suck it up kiddo!
  7. Dankine

    What will make DayZ a better Mod?

    it is when you are so hell bent on your opinion there is no showing you anything that will change your mind. you're wrong, simple as.
  8. Dankine

    What will make DayZ a better Mod?

    no one is this stupid. I hope. first it was "consoles are superior", now foolio has changed his tune to "consoles are better than the average gaming pc". I wonder where the next change of mind will be. as always, the word is consoles.
  9. so make a thread about it.
  10. Dankine

    What will make DayZ a better Mod?

    the word is consoles. con-soles. and once again, you are talking out of your behind. becoming quite a theme. the comment about kb/m being clunky too, perfect. a pro level player on a console will be destroyed by an average player on a pc (fps).
  11. nb partly smell explains your wall grinding scenario, just they need to be alerted first.
  12. according to canon they do it partly by smell. skyrim stealth system was awful.
  13. Dankine

    What will make DayZ a better Mod?

    you've proven nothing apart from the fact that it is cheaper to build a supercomputer from ps3 processors, in this instance. the very fact you think hacking and piracy can't happen on consoles (this is STILL the way you spell the word) is risible too. you don't know what you're talking about.
  14. Dankine

    What will make DayZ a better Mod?

    supercomputer != home rig. your assertion that because ps3 processors are used in scs that means that consoles (yes, that is how you spell it) are better than pcs is just ridiculous.
  15. fairly sure the hive gets the info from the server, not from you.
  16. friend or foe? they're zombies...
  17. Dankine

    Fire methods/loot behaviour

    how can you starve to death :/
  18. Dankine

    Close range aiming is screwed up.

    it's fine... champion my ass, you've been called on that before and never even replied about it.
  19. Dankine

    can i mute chat somehow?

    so don't sit in that channel. easy...
  20. Dankine

    Cherno LOCKED DOWN!

    the derp is strong
  21. Based on the aim of half the people i've been shot at by, this would make them miss every single shot. Rather than 95% of them.
  22. Dankine


    don't get a gaming laptop, expensive and far worse than a desktop of comparable price. waste of money.