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Everything posted by Dankine

  1. Dankine

    What has happened?

    That says more about your inability to lose zombies than anything else.
  2. Dankine

    they should make non PVP servers!!

    no, the core of the game should stay how it is. way to misrepresent and misunderstand what I'm saying! what you're doing is trying to make the game closer to how you want to play it (ie easier), that is not making it better. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/62195-server-hosting-rules/ take a look at #15, if that doesn't spell it out to you I don't know what will.
  3. Dankine

    Anyone Interested?

    had me until skype/ts3
  4. Dankine

    Global ban transfered out of DayZ?

    cheating is negatively affecting other people, like each one of your examples. you just countered your own argument.
  5. Dankine

    they should make non PVP servers!!

    whether you are part of the community or not, the game is the way it is. arguing that you are part of the community blah blah blah has no effect on anything. symptomatic of a dumbing down and hand holding culture in games. which needs to stop. it is hard, you will die. suck it up!
  6. Dankine

    My best kill

    An ultimately stupid idea you mean.
  7. moral choices are moral choices because they have moral repercussions in one way or another. in game choices don't, at all.
  8. Dankine

    Global ban transfered out of DayZ?

    cheating in a game you play with other people is yes. tis called being a dick, or not.
  9. Dankine

    whats the deal with choppers

    how did you get that ^^ from that ^^
  10. Dankine

    Where are all the players?

    according to my dayz commander (admittedly with filters) that just isn't true.
  11. you will pretty much never see positive posts, only the people (hackers included) bitching. don't be fooled into taking that to mean the ac is shite.
  12. Dankine

    whats the deal with choppers

    they have more than one spawn point
  13. Dankine

    Losing 10 blood per second! HELP!

    aye, you're ill.
  14. Dankine

    they should make non PVP servers!!

    The difference being that was a game with that option. This purposefully isn't. That is why I have an issue with the "difference of opinion". Your examples are all awful btw.
  15. you're arguing that somehow they've ballsed up banning people who downloaded these rigged cheats?
  16. Dankine

    I believe humanity is a bit broken.

    "of what you as a person is"
  17. Dankine

    Quick Question Regarding Global Ban

    hopefully not!
  18. Dankine

    I believe humanity is a bit broken.

    so it's broken because it doesn't work how you want it to?
  19. People that kill others (who are not psychotic) generally suffer ill effects and turn to some form of relief.
  20. Dankine

    they should make non PVP servers!!

    That's why people are having a go at him. It is a stupid idea, symptomatic of what is wrong with a lot of games (and gamers) currently. Play the game as it is meant to be, or don't. Don't bitch and whine cos you want to play it a different way because you find it too hard, or you're annoyed that other people can kill you.
  21. Okay maybe not. It means you are twisting things to try and make them look different to how they are. I'd contest that. The fact that someone on a forum says they don't hack and have never hacked means precisely zero much of the time.
  22. Then owned upto it and rectified them fairly quickly... You can't change the registry through DayZ. People who have had their keys nicked/changed have either tried to download cheats, or got a dodgy lingor etc installer.