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Everything posted by Dankine

  1. remarkably similar in the way they give you a world and you do what you like with it. so no, not really.
  2. it is a perfectly valid way to play the game. my point was people fuck over the ones they have been playing alongside for months in EVE. you lot harping on over three days seems pretty ridiculous. thus, carebears.
  3. because it is actually a really bad idea. zombies don't need to be slower, or grab you.
  4. a way, that doesn't fuck servers, that means you can't tell if people are present purely by the fact of whether there are zombies about or not.
  5. Dankine

    DayZ - A Brutal Democracy

    you get what you want easier if you have numbers, but it isn't impossible otherwise.
  6. Dankine

    Make a Level without a map

    takes a lot less time to make a map of a place, than it does to make the place. thus your idea is inherently flawed. randomising maps would (apart from taking a fucking age) make the base building element impossible.
  7. don't get attached to your gear in no way invalidates killing others in trying to stay alive, it's just about the reaction after you inevitably die. saying that the first rule makes shooting one of the last considerations is just dim.
  8. ah gotta love the carebears giving judgement.
  9. Do you have any idea how long it takes, in EVE, to get to a position of responsibility great enough to rob a corporation? And you're bitching about three days?
  10. Dankine

    Worst addition to the game

    starting to like first person. evens the playing field somewhat.
  11. Dankine

    Punkbuster better than battleye?

    punkbuster is pretty shit
  12. Dankine

    I love Dayz with my DAD!!!

    So, you're aping the Manson "family"?
  13. Rich from a person with a lack of comprehension. You need a better understanding of grammar. At the moment it is very naive to assume you won't be shot. The very fact you've made this thread is proof that it is kill or be killed currently.
  14. so bitch about it rather than reporting the server and admins.
  15. Don't try and speak down to people, it doesn't become you. Especially since you appear unable to comprehend simple English. I wasn't saying killing people using a gun, I was saying killing people who have a gun. Killing people who you see, who have a gun, who have seen or may be about to see you, is killing to survive. Due to the fact that most folk who see you, will shoot at you. That or call friendly, and then shoot at you. At the moment killing most certainly is requisite to survive, if it wasn't you wouldn't be making this thread. It is naive to believe otherwise at the moment. I was laughing because you think that is a quality that matters (in DayZ) to anyone but the people you're playing with.
  16. integrity? hahaha killing everyone you see, with a gun, IS killing for survival.
  17. Oh, I thought you mean does it move you to debug, and then to the shore on next login. Before waiting I think, the one that you get stuck on sometimes. Never actually done it on purpose, only had it happen when I've quit after it taking ages.
  18. nope, just moves you to the shore.
  19. or force quit the game on the loading screen, when it says loading.
  20. Dankine

    FN FAL or AKM?

    So, my rating in beans is apparently important. But, people enjoying my posts (and therefore giving me beans) isn't? Makes sense. Not to mention the fact you give out to me about the beans rating, handily ignoring the fact yours is zero... Not to worry, you could try poking fun at the fact I've no forum friends. (The word is hypocrisy btw, but it's ok. You lot aren't known for your education) Took your time... Pretty much the definition of being a hypocrite.
  21. yet another person who doesn't understand how anticheats work.
  22. Dankine

    FN FAL or AKM?

    Sorry, my self worth isn't rooted in what others think of me. Even if it were, it most certainly wouldn't have anything to do with the opinions of people on a forum. Hypocrite. Btw, I get nearly 2x the beans per post you do. So there you go, those are the people you're asking about.
  23. Dankine

    FN FAL or AKM?

    So a sarcastic reply about someone not being a cheater is nonsense now is it? And the fact I've not made a topic has no bearing on anything. Think I'm a troll all you like, but at least try not to be a hypocrite eh.
  24. Dankine

    Preferred sidearm?

    People can still hear them. Who cares about the dmg, headshot.