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Everything posted by Dankine

  1. Dankine

    one of the few.

    because you are presuming that the way you play is the "best" and looking down at those who kos. the rest of your post is basically gibberish.
  2. Dankine

    Anthropology Study

    the results: everyone plays like a sociopath
  3. good, fun map with less aimless running than chernarus. I like it.
  4. Dankine

    one of the few.

    the best experience? self righteous much.
  5. So how does this change affect you in the least then? It discourages (stops) alt f4ing. I would say that saying it encourages pvp is quite a strange way to look at it. Especially since the system in no way encourages you to shoot back. Simply stops the gimps who gamequit.
  6. just because someone shoots at you doesn't mean you have to shoot back. whingy alt f4ers trying to make it look as if this system is a bad thing because it takes away your ability to "play" like a douche.
  7. Dankine

    The Compound Crossbow...

    the main reason more people don't use em is the lack of quiver.
  8. the fact that they were able to tp and spawn in a chopper (by the sound of it) hints that he wasn't on a private hive. since most have a lot of that kinda stuff locked down.
  9. Dankine

    Playing on outdated servers

    playwithsix is a piece of shit ;)
  10. Dankine

    Playing on outdated servers

    you can change versions in dayz commander as far as I know
  11. Dankine

    Update me and my brain

    Calling someone stupid, yet not being able to write the sentence properly eh. Well done there. You didn't say you can't stop cheating, you may have thought you were trying to. But you didn't. You simply stated two solutions were crap, and that some do work.
  12. Dankine

    Update me and my brain

    Nothing can stop cheating with 100% success. Naive to think you can.
  13. Dankine

    Why no single player option rocket?

    because it is a multiplayer game
  14. Dankine

    Community Releases Spectate Mode

    yet another thread by someone who has barely understood a post and is now trying to spread misinformation based upon that lack of comprehension.
  15. Dankine

    What Does DayZ Mean To You? (PvP or Survival)

    pvp is about survival...you can't separate the two.
  16. Dankine

    Need some food (trade)

    if you can't manage to find food on the south coast i think you may struggle.
  17. Dankine

    Banned from [DE 03]

    you've misunderstood, or are simply lying. "you think you have" what?
  18. Dankine

    CDkey Stolen?

    stupidity is its own reward
  19. Dankine

    Banned from [DE 03]

    why do you think you were banned over a can? seems incredibly unlikely
  20. Dankine

    Is your cdkey being wasted?

    a whole £5 dollars?!
  21. Dankine

    Is your cdkey being wasted?

    so, despite the fact you're not made of money and you can't buy your mate arma, you're basically expecting someone else to. also neatly forgetting that quite a lot of people enjoy playing arma too.
  22. theyve said repeatedly in interviews that it is something that, eventually, they would like to do.