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Everything posted by Dankine

  1. Dankine

    24/7 Daylight Servers... UGH?

    the threat of dying is part of what makes it fun.
  2. of course it will have "more" http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/
  3. that has nothing to do with it. the game is a sandbox, you play and do what you like. then moaners like you come along and bitch at everyone who isn't playing the game exactly how you want them to.
  4. Dankine

    I'm not sure I understand hackers.

    their goals make perfect sense. annoy/enrage everyone as much as possible.
  5. dont get into that situation in the first place
  6. Dankine

    is Sacriel becoming a bully?

    the game is unfair, and unforgiving.
  7. Dankine

    Barbed wire...

    just get a toolbox, barbed wire is such a non issue. really dim assertion. the more you can hinder those who might shoot you the better.
  8. they didn't. hence why the question is in the future tense.
  9. good ol soviet tic tacs.
  10. whether you will survive or not depends on which weapon it is.
  11. Dankine

    DayZGame vs DayZMod

    what does that even mean?
  12. Dankine

    is Sacriel becoming a bully?

    neglecting to mention the fact that the guy was bleeding because sacriel shot him...
  13. Dankine

    Input and Standalone

    they're an idiot who doesn't know what they're talking about. of course they'll never apologise.
  14. Dankine

    Is server hopping bad?

    in a "selfish and destructive to other players" manner. well done.
  15. Dankine

    Input and Standalone

    no, they have stupid accel. you can still have it not be a twitch shooter and have non idiotic accel. of course you can spin around quickly and take a shot irl. dumb question.
  16. Dankine

    Input and Standalone

    yeah the op is right. there is shitty accel in arma. really helps if you get a clue haribokid
  17. Dankine

    Is server hopping bad?

    ladies and gents, the exact type of person who should never be an admin.
  18. Dankine

    Is server hopping bad?

    doesn't necessarily denote server hopping.
  19. Dankine

    DayZGame vs DayZMod

    no additional gameplay content? like bases for example? and crafting of some sort? etc etc etc really helps if you research what you're talking about.
  20. Dankine

    The day I met everyone's despise in DayZ

    hilarious that people STILL whinge about being killed.
  21. Dankine

    Steak's new record..

    the start engine option? just press q?