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About James_Kingsley

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. James_Kingsley

    Worst Ladder Bug

    Rocket fix that shitty ladder bug where if you get on the ladder going down but then decide to go back up you fall off and break your legs. It's fucking retarded. What kind of moron can't jump down a height of a couple of meters? Oh and that fucking timer is pathetic, if you break your legs you should be able to go into your bag and use the morphine. Also what kind of fucking retard thinks it's clever to make your blood drain whilst in the timer that you can't do anything about? You die before even getting a chance to use morphine. Rocket you're a fucking pathetic stupid dick with the brains of a roasted possum. Fuck you.
  2. James_Kingsley

    Requesting Serious Help - BIG Reward

    Got a great guy helping me now guys! Thanks for the support. If I see you in game I will certainly hold fire.
  3. James_Kingsley

    Requesting Serious Help - BIG Reward

    You just made me chuckle.
  4. James_Kingsley

    Requesting Serious Help - BIG Reward

    I'm not getting attached to my gear, in fact I am willing to give an item of my gear up so I can stay alive. That's also one of the rules: Survive.
  5. James_Kingsley

    Requesting Serious Help - BIG Reward

    I won't shoot. I'm not sure my guy can, he's shaking so much it's like there's an earthquake. Add me on Skype or Steam and message me as soon as you are within the area I said I'm in. Then tell me the server and I'll join.
  6. James_Kingsley

    Requesting Serious Help - BIG Reward

    All zombies are lost, it's just me in the woods crying. And It's not a trap at all. I'm genuinely needing help, I've already started 10 times before and I don't wanna loose what I got!
  7. Hello! I'm new to DayZ with about 10 hours play time. Today (24/07/2012) I stumbled upon a crashed heli site so I decided to run up there with a beaming face ready to get a decent weapon! Only to find I had about 20 zombies mauling me, so I ran away with 6000 blood left and the food icon flashing red. I managed to find a safe place to stay, so I aborted and now I don't know what to do. Here is roughly where I am: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/507/helpdw.png/ My current equipment: FN FAL (8 Mags) M1911 (3 Mags) Binoculars Map Compass Watch Bandages (7 - 10) Various Medication (Pens) Pepsi / Coke Now down to the actual help I need. If anyone is kind enough to get to me and donate a blood pack, food and painkillers I will in return give you a single item out of my inventory of your choice. I am currently not in a server, so if you reply to this thread or add me on Steam: JamesKingsley1997 I will join a server that you suggest. I know I'm asking a lot but I would really appreciate it if someone can help me out. For voice chat if necessary, I have Skype: hdcarbonfibre Regards, James