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faceman (DayZ)

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Everything posted by faceman (DayZ)

  1. faceman (DayZ)

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Not really a ghost story, but it still scared the shit out of me, and I still have no idea what caused it.. anyway I was in a barn close to Cherno when I suddenly hear gunfire. Alot of it. Sounded like a real battle. Not the random sniper shot, or the random execution. It sounded like two big groups was duking it out. I panicked a bit and ran for the forrest. When I got into the forrest I went hiding behind a tree. 20 seconds later or so I hear several large explosions. I have played Arma for years, but I have never heard any explosions as loud as this. I didn't see anything, just heard it and it scared me and my cat half to death. Then two guys came running through the forrest and they were speaking on the direct voice thingy. It sounded like they said that there were lucky to get out of there alive. I might have misheard them because I was in a shock. The explosions was so damn loud. I crawled to the end of the forrest and took a peak into Cherno, but couldn't see any smoke or damage. So I have no idea what happend there. Just a very odd experience.
  2. faceman (DayZ)

    Cover at long range

    Good stuff to know this. Long time since I played regular Arma :)
  3. faceman (DayZ)

    Help me understand.

    Ignore the flamers. You play the game exactly how you want, like the bandit that betrayed you. Shoot, loot whoever you want :) And with the new patch coming, the bandit skin will get removed. So I advise you to shoot everything in sight.
  4. faceman (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    I agree. It makes discussions impossible if you are going to be called a whiner every time you disagree with something.
  5. faceman (DayZ)

    Short fun with stats

    We have killed off the entire population of my country; Sweden :)
  6. faceman (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    I know that the bandit system is flawed, but I think this will make a change for the worse - gameplay wise. This change combined with the removal of global chat. All those vigilante crews will have a hard time identifying who and who is not a bandit. I think we will see a rapid decline in cooperation. Less random groups forming ingame. Most people will just play with teamspeak, and avoid ingame chat and just shoot everyone they come across.. just to be safe. With no penalties this is the safest route to go.
  7. faceman (DayZ)

    Random events system

    I would love a military event of some sort. Maybe not as big as a para drop. But maybe a small convoy that travels around.
  8. faceman (DayZ)

    Seen any scripted events?

    So, how would scripted events work in a open world game like this anyway? Does the script rotate, I mean, do the script start again after an hour, or is it a one time thing on each server?
  9. faceman (DayZ)

    Most shocking thing you've seen.

    Ouch Bandit hunter! I feel sorry for both you and Ed.
  10. faceman (DayZ)

    I really like DayZ, but...

    I still don't understand though. How has it altered the base game? Arma is still Arma, it is still a military simulator, and I don't think Arma 3 will be any diffrent. Do you think Arma 3 will be more casual or something just because of the mod?
  11. faceman (DayZ)

    I really like DayZ, but...

    I don't understand. Alot of people bought Arma for DayZ, of course, but I can't see how the future of Arma would be affected in a negative way? Is it not good that more people discover Arma and see what it has to offer? I know two people who bought Arma for the mod, and yesterday they were intrested to see how the actual game played. I started a server and we played some coop. They were very impressed with the whole tactical aspect of the game. So thanks two the mod, at least two more people will start to play regular Arma.
  12. faceman (DayZ)

    Your highest Zombie body count.

    97 zombies killed is my highest. Also got one bandit kill, but the bandit was my friend. Shot him in the back with an enfield by mistake :(
  13. faceman (DayZ)

    Most shocking thing you've seen.

    The most chocking I have seen was a bandit ambush on two survivors in Cherno(sp?) I watched the whole thing from a rooftop. The bandits were in ambush behind a building. When the two survivors passed the building the bandits shot them dead, in cold blood. I know people dies all the times to bandits and what not, but this moment stuck with me. They just shot them like nothing, and looted thier corpses then ran off. When it happend I was thinking about how quick one life could end. I also thought of the movie "the road" - the cannibal bandits ;)
  14. faceman (DayZ)

    A question about infected speeds

    For me it does not matter if they are fast or slow. I like both kind of zombies (infected and undead) IF they are done well. By that I mean sometimes when you fight the zombies the immersion gets destroyed, like many of other people here have said - by the zig zagging and that they have to stop to attack.
  15. faceman (DayZ)

    Under siege!

    Hello all. I have problem, and my ingame life depends on your help hehe I went into a town, and for some reason all the zombies was gone. It felt a bit strange, no constant moaning, no zombies that wanted to chew my legs off. Anyway, I went into a building, climbed up on the roof and rested. After some scouting I decided to leave. When I was at the bottom a crawling zombie noticed me. Somehow I must have missed that bastard. I ran up to the roof again, and he followed me. I had to shoot him. My typical luck all the zombies had respawned at this moment, so at least 20 zombies reacted to me shooting my gun. And now to the problem. I'm under constant siege by the zombies! They are respawning faster than I can kill them and I'm soon out of bullets. I'm trapped on the roof, and I can't leave, so I need some tips or a strategy so I can make my escape. I really don't want to die. I consider every in-game life precious :) And I just want to say a thank you to tobbs. Very brave man. He tried to save me, but got killed. R.I.P. Ps. I know I can just log into another server and escape. But it would be nice to get some tips on future situations like this.
  16. faceman (DayZ)

    Under siege!

    Docks? Just go out to the docks and stand there? Hehe okay. I was considering swimming, but then you drop all your stuff...
  17. faceman (DayZ)

    PC Gamer article with features to come

    I hope you can train your dog to sniff out danger. Would be very nice when it's pitch black in-game