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Everything posted by lukeyboy89

  1. lukeyboy89

    Banned from AU1

    So a google search of "battle-eye banned" brought me here. I was on a server today (AU1) where someone was teleporting us all to a set location. I'm not sure if everyone one the server was banned or not but this is the message i get now when trying to enter it, note i can still enter other servers... "You where kicked off the game. (BattleEye: Banned (Nah))" How does one go about getting unbanned? This is the most stable server for us Aussies and its what myself and all my mates play on..
  2. lukeyboy89

    Banned from AU1

    sorted out! unbanned! Thanks AU1!!
  3. lukeyboy89

    Banned from AU1

    How do i do that??