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About memothejanitor

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    North Carolina
  • Interests
    Everything related to computers -especially retro computers-, guitars, killing zombies with wife and kids!

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    Veni, vidi, vici.
  1. memothejanitor

    Join my clan

    I don't completely understand what you mean by that. The website includes sensitive information once you are approved you gain access. But I guess we could make an informational page. http://www.descendantsofvalor.com/dovinfo
  2. memothejanitor

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    http://dayzmod.com/f...loc#entry729064 This is his new bandit clan if any survivor clan would like to have some fun with. It's not that hard to figure things out when you are dealing with someone who thinks he's outsmarted everybody. ;) Make it more challenging next time.
  3. memothejanitor

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    I am telling you how it is because you need to hear it Colten. It will only help you. Besides that people are people and everybody makes their own choice, I will stop commenting here. Good luck.
  4. memothejanitor

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    Pffft Colten, if you think that's being smart, you have a tough life in front of you brother. I have seen people like you come and go, hope you don't get beat up so much in real life. But I am positive that's been the case in your past. In my opinion you just wasted 2 months + of your life doing nothing but bullshit, because I couldn't give less of a fuck about who attacks and destroys camp as everything re-spawns due to the impurities in Besides, that's the nature of the game. You are a backstabber, and this shit just got more enjoyable, gives me a reason to be a better player.
  5. memothejanitor

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    Colten, this is Roller, and I really did not expect that from you. You might have bad blood between other clan members, but I at least expected you to respect some of us. I'd expect maturity from somebody your caliber. I still can't believe you did this.