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Everything posted by roflcopter127@yahoo.com

  1. Enjoy. These are just some fun times I've had.
  2. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    just an idea

    They are doing this to test out the area around Berezino more. Even if they aren't doing it because of this, it's a damn good reason to. Spawns keep changing and they will keep changing just hold out.
  3. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    Enjoying the view while I study.

    This character has been alive for a while. Just found a cool scope finally. Using it by sitting up in the mountains and enjoying the view while I review my Spanish for my exam. Anyone else just absolutely enjoy relaxing in this game? I just witnessed two guys sneak up on someone and take him out. It was interesting to see their tactics and follow-through.
  4. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    Gear protecting you from damage?

    I'm not sure how it works, but damn are you lucky.
  5. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    How tactful are you, and what tactics work in DayZ SA?

    I agree with KingBritain, you can have the best guns with the most ammo, but in the end, stealth and concealment is what wins battles. They can't kill you if they can't see/find you.
  6. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    New animated DayZ intro. Thoughts?

    Well made, I enjoy the music!
  7. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    Enjoying the view while I study.

    I considered intervening. I was honestly so impressed from the tactical way they approached him (instead of running full fledged, guns blazing) that they deserved to live. I ended up taking some shots in their general direction to scare them off, but that's about it.
  8. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    Idea for Zombie respawns with real gameplay benefits.

    the idea of defending a city/outpost with my friends from a hundred zombies sounds intense
  9. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    Ideas for some random events

    Don't listen to the person above me. He's just one of those "this idea is stupid, unrealistic and blah blah blah.." Truth is some of those ideas would be a lot of fun, they are just simply to difficult to code into such a game like Dayz, especially with the bugs it has presently and will have in the future. Cool ideas tho - just probably not the game you'd see them in :)
  10. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    2 Ways To Make Bloodbags Useful/Increase Teamwork

    This is a good idea. I agree, blood bags are useless right now except for shananigans. I like the idea of blood types but something has to give if he still wants to use them in the game. Good idea!
  11. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    Need Medical Assistance in DayZ SA ? Find Your medic here!

    I got in a gunfight with a Bandit in Balota just a few minutes ago. I'm low on blood and have broken legs, if someone could bring me some morphine I'd love you! Balota - West Air Craft tower, lower room. Steam name: Lockdown127 Character : White construction helmet.
  12. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    I Think I'm Too Trusting And Nice.

    The video explains itself, but I will set some basic background info if you do not watch the video. I spawn in Berenzino, check the hospital, both grocery stores and a few residentials with no luck. I decide to run south instead of North, avoiding the NEAF because of some glitching I heard was happening there. After a solid 10-15 minute run, I come across a man who (very graciously) gives me a ton of a gear off of someone he shot. After another 5 minute run to Elektro, I meet a person (whom I have complete ability to shoot if I want) but decide not to, since the person I met prior to him was so nice to me. I chat for a few minutes in the grocery store and then another random person comes in. I was not recording because it was uneventful, but then I started to record after a few minutes of talking because the one who had just entered the store was being awkward and silent, so I became worried and started recording. Low and behold, the 2nd person shoots me in the head randomly and takes my shit, while the other guy (obviously his friend) just stands there. How can people not feel bad doing this or have any enjoyment? It was lucky I found the gear so easily and had not earned it, so it didn't feel near as bad. Not to mention I was on a PVE (No KOS) server, which makes matters worse. And please hold comments such as "Well they don't have to abide by those rules of the server!" or "You should have been on your guard more!" or my personal favorite "this is Dayz, suck it up!" I know all of this, but it is still just baffling that I can be so nice and offer to help some guy, just to have his friend come shoot me out of no where. Like, why? I guess you can't stop people from being people sometimes. I'm just sharing my story. I'm sure many of you can relate, and I'd love to hear your stories as well!
  13. Whilst I realize the spawning is still being balanced, I still feel the need to say that the spawning system drastically decreases my enjoyment of this game. It was decent before, when you could spawn in various locations around the south and east coast, but since the spawning has been changed, I seem to only spawn at places like Solnichniy and areas around here. It would be alright if there was a large city or military base nearby, but there's not, so it isn't. (I suppose you could count Berenzino, but for a person who enjoys player interaction as much as the environment, moving farther North only means more running later on.) Spawns on the east coast are terrible besides the unusual Oatmel (Close to Elektro) or Berenzino spawn. It'd be much more enjoyable if you could spawn at literally any city on the map, (In the lower 50-60% perhaps) and it briefly tells you where you are, so that you can try to navigate from there. As we all know, people are drawn to the coast because there is nice loot and heavy player interaction, so I feel the loot needs to be enhanced 10 fold in the far North and spawns need to be more sparadic around the map, as to drift away from the normal "Oh I spawned at Solnichniy/On the East coast, I can either run for 20 minutes to find a reasonable looting location or kill myself and spawn again." Either way, you waste 20 minutes of your time to get to a reasonable location only to be shot because the best cities are the closest to the current spawns. Something needs to be drastically changed in the spawning/looting, the fact that I spawn in the same place 4 times in a row is both ridiculous and immersion-killing. I know or glorious Dayz dev team is working hard, but is it that hard to change the spawns around a little so I'm not forced to either commit suicide so I don't have to run for 20 minutes,.. or run 20 minutes. I realize some people are content with the spawns and they can simply run into the forest and "live off the land and random northern cities, like Dayz is supposed to be played!" but this only applies to a handful of people and at its current state, with zombies being easy to kill, low in numbers, no animals and weather/sickness taking almost no toll, this game is a PVP oriented game whether we want it to or not. (I must again emphasize that PVP does not completely mean killing, but simply interactions.) So in my opinion, since Dayz is most fun when interacting with other players at the moment, why spawn us so far away from places to get loot and meet people, and why spawn me there 6 times in a row.
  14. roflcopter127@yahoo.com


    definitely some sweet guns!
  15. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    The Traveling Shoe Salesman

    If you run into this man in the servers (He likes to hang around PVE/No KOS servers) you are going to love him. I met him as I was searching the schoolhouse and he kindly asked to purchase my shoes for a flashlight. He was wearing nothing but a bag on his head, a green shirt and gloves. I introduced him to my group and we traveled around finding, selling and buying shoes from people. Not to mention, he had the voice of an angel (no joke) -Video soon when I'm done editing! People like this make Dayz fun!
  16. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    Murder at the ship [Video]

    Good shooting regardless of survivor/bandit affiliation
  17. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    Play same character on another computer

    You have to use your own steam account - and nice profile name! Couldn't even tell you were a girl! :D
  18. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    Today's Pending Update.

    I completely agree. There are times when I sprint for 20 minutes from somewhere and get to a town and there's nothing... Or I sprint 20 minutes to an airfield and find empty sodas.. I realize he wants to keep looting realistic, but damn, it's still a game. Looting needs more fixing, not server hoppers. I never server hopped in the mod either, but it seems you can't find shit without running for an hour now, which is unreasonable.
  19. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    If I Spawn In Solnichniy One More Time I'll Puke.

    This argument is so invalid it's insane. Everyone in Dayz dies, whether it be more for some and less for others. Spawn camping is a serious problem for everyone when there are only 4-5 spawn locations.
  20. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    If I Spawn In Solnichniy One More Time I'll Puke.

    I think everyone needs to take a second and just calm down. Never did I say I hated this game or it "isn't for me." I still love this game, and I've sunk like 15 hours in this week. I'm was just trying to argue a point to spawn in more than 4 places along the East Coast. Everyone instantly thinks I'm ripping apart the entire game and calling it shit and everyone tells me "It's not for you, it's an alpha, go play a different game." No, I won't, because I still love this game and have had awesome experiences and have like 60 hours played into it, I'm just getting tired of spawning i the same spots. I still find it fun, I just don't find spawning on the East coast everytime fun.
  21. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    If I Spawn In Solnichniy One More Time I'll Puke.

    My sincere apologies, I think I came off too hostile in my original post, thus making a lot of hostile responses thus making me even more hostile. I'm sorry. Didn't mean to sound so ass-ish , just trying to make an opinion post, shouldn't have done it in a bad mood :)
  22. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    If I Spawn In Solnichniy One More Time I'll Puke.

    Chill man.. I was just trying to say how I didn't think it was that kind of game yet lol...
  23. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    If I Spawn In Solnichniy One More Time I'll Puke.

    A tactical survival game is a name you gave it, but in its current conditions I'd hardly call it that, and we all know Dayz is not a tactical survival game. Maybe before, when you could hunt, get sick/infected and build vehicles and store items... maybe.. But this Dayz standalone is not turning out to be the such, and he's trying to force it to be one by forcing spawns on the East coast. Dayz is fun the way it was, with tons of weapons, vehicles, spawning on the coast, good loot in the North, it just needed more optimization and custimization, but now he's trying to stray away from what good came from the mod and make it a new game. I guess I'm just being over dramatic, but I kinda want my old Dayz back with some new cool shiz :/
  24. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    If I Spawn In Solnichniy One More Time I'll Puke.

    Why, in a video game that's supposed to be fun, should I have to set aside 20 minutes to run somewhere to have fun... Can't I spawn somewhere where I can have fun?
  25. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    If I Spawn In Solnichniy One More Time I'll Puke.

    My apologies, didn't realize it looked so atrocious! Edited :)