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Everything posted by roflcopter127@yahoo.com

  1. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    Waaay to much rain in DayZ

    I'm a sniper, i hate rain :(
  2. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    Just got an as50

    Well, if you want to take advice from me, I think I've at least put the AS50 to some sort of good use using proper sniping mechanics and techniques/strategies. You could read this - I'm not sure I'm pro but I will do my best to give some tips! -If you do choose to snipe around elektro/cherno, please do not use any places that someone with mild intelligence would look at and say "Hey, that looks like a good sniping spot!" If you use those spots, you deserve to be killed when that no doubt happens :[ -Try to use tree lines and bushes if you have a Ghille Suit, it literally makes you close to invisible on a server with no name plates. -Join a server 20-30 people, without name plates. -Sometimes spots that don't "look good" can still BE good! :D -A spot not near zombie spawns, you don't want to attract zombies if you pop off a couple rounds! -Never camp near roads. Ever. -Get a few kills, leave the server. People WILL come looking for you! -Assume every survivor has a friend with him, many people play this game with their friends, and if they are competent enough to determine where you are based on the sound of the bullet, they can and will send their friend to flank you! -Try to snipe with a buddy! It's always easier to take people down and watch your back with a friendly sniper! -Only take shots you're 99% sure you can land! If you're playing legit, chances are you don't have tons of ammo! -If you choose to run around the city with an assault rifle, the easiest way to both see people, and get caught yourself, is to watch for zombie aggro! Hope some of these tips helped bro
  3. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    [TRADE] Bizon SD, NVG, Rangefinder, GPS

    I have a ghille suit I might be willing to dupe with you, but I'm more interested in a SVD or Coyote backpack. I also have an MK Mod, but again, I hate the Bizon :(
  4. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    Attacked by a chopper? Read this!

    I read it fine
  5. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    Alt+F4 Marathon

    So there I was, looting the ATCT in the NorthWest Airfield, and all the sudden, a Ural drives in from the northwestern part of the airfield and rolls up next to the fire station, unaware of my presence. 3 people jumped out, 2 of them very under-geared, and one of them (Most likely the one who picked them up) had a ghille and an AS50. Now I'm a bandit, but I still don't always shoot on sight, considering sometimes those player interactions are very entertaining, so I said "Hey guys, I won't shoot you!" Of course, the one with the Ghille equips what looked like his M4A1, and started spraying at me sitting in the Air Tower, I ducked as the bullets missed me, and said "Big mistake" and got up and unloaded at least a 100rnds of Mk-Mod into their their bodies and the Ural, and literally, I kid you not, all three of them Alt+F4'ed and were gone... all 3. What the heck! Whatever I guess, free Ural with gear is good enough for me.
  6. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    [VIDEO] ninja kill at chopper crash

    Your sneaky kill reminds me of my own! :D Skip to 2:45 to watch me ninja someone too! :P
  7. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    Has anyone got an m24 they can trade me

    That's a cool gun! I would love on of those kind of guns if I wasn't so attached to my MOD :o I just really want an SVD :( I'd give my AS50 up in a heartbeat haha
  8. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    [VIDEO] ninja kill at chopper crash

    Nice kill! Good shot! nice hunting haha! #Bandit Life
  9. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    "3rd Person Exploit!" "That's cheating!" Wah wah wah.

    You terrible, terrible person! You won't spend HALF an eternity in hell, A FULL ONE!! *Sarcasm*
  10. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    Has anyone got an m24 they can trade me

    PM if you have the SVD Camo, otherwise no sorry :(
  11. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    You know you play to much DayZ when..

    https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151075915274471&set=o.385203651545966&type=1&theater Lol this was what one of my friends posted :P
  12. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    DMR vs SVD

    You found an SVD :(... Sad day... lucky bastard!
  13. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    Changing my loadout.. [Trade]

    If you look at my signature below, you will see the weapons I have. In my opinion, i've used these weapons well, considering I have over 400 zombie kills and I just want a change of pace. I want to trade both my AS50 and MK for 2 new weapons, preferably kinda rare. I mostly want an SVD Camo, but I know that's not really attainable :( So what I really would like is something like a DMR/Silenced weapon combo, or maybe a DMR/Something cool. I really kinda want a DMR if I cant have an SVD Camo haha. I'd also be willing to trade of my NVGS for a silenced m9 i think. I'm willing to think about other trades, just PM an offer :D
  14. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    Found a missle launcher :O

    So I was at the North West Airfield northern barracks and found a missle launcher. Cool find! But takes up my backpack slot, not worth it! if you want it, PM me and I can guard it for you and I can tell u the server name.
  15. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    Underrated Weapons

    I think a very underrated gun would be the AKM, high damage, common rounds, okay sights, and zero-ing! :D My thoughts on the MK Mod... ITS SO AWESOME. I have one, and I've scared the shit out of so many people! Loud, proud, and high damage! Have put it to good use so far, 400 zombie kills and 6 murders, combined with the As50 or another sniper it makes you the perfect support role, and I have 4 belts of 100rnds cuz the ammo isn't super rare :D The sight and camo is so cool too! Fav gun for sure!
  16. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    Am I a Hero now, or just another grubby Bandit?

    True that seems weird, but my first kill in the new update glitched me at -100,000 humanity, so it seems much worse than it is, but I kill a lot nonetheless :P
  17. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    Am I a Hero now, or just another grubby Bandit?

    I disconnected right away because If he was a hacker, I did not want to die if he go upset :o Im a paranoid person :P
  18. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    Best Heli Loot!

    best heli loots is an AS50 with 4 mags, 1 mkmod with 2 belts, and 2 DMRS each with 2 mags. had a medical box too :P
  19. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    Fair play?

    last 3 deaths from hackers, but havent died in 5 days now
  20. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    I Need Medical Assistance right now!

    yea sorry im at NW airfield :( GL tho!
  21. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    A sudden increase in faith!

    Lately I have been running into a lot of very mean people on the forums and in Dayz itself, but recently that hasn't happened! Whenever I try to get help from a player "in-game" I always get shot, so I usually just try to avoid people if I can, but if they can't be avoided and are trying to reach the same goal as me (IE: Looting the same place I am, fixing the same car, or our cross of paths in inevitable) then I just, take care of them. (Hence being a Bandit) but I had just recently asked for a ride to the NW airfield a couple of days ago, and someone actually came and picked me up, and gave me a ride without the exchange of bullets! And even offered me NVGs and an AS50 (Which I already had). Then the next day, my character glitched while vaulting and I became unconcious at 4000 blood at the AIRFIELD, and someone who was actually a Hero, came to save me, the Bandit! We exchanged skype names and trades such and such for ghille suits and we raided the airfield together. Who said Bandits can't be friends with survivors? Well I guess it depends on the type of bandit, but still, it was a nice change of pace!
  22. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    Trade Mk48- L85 AWS- M4a1 cco SD

    I've got an as50 with some mags as well
  23. I play this game legit with no hacks and no server hopping, and I've recently acquired an AS50 so i'm quite happy, but I've had them before, and I'd really love to try out the SVD Camo, I have never gotten this weapon. I would certainly be willing to trade my AS50 and all the ammo for it, and if you have a spare ghille it would be appreciated too :] I know this isn't the best trade, considering thats a super rare weapon, but I want it really bad :o
  24. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    Anyone have an SVD Camo to trade?

    I'd love to get my hands on this weapon, anyone have one and willing to trade? I have some goodies to trade. Or we could just *cough* dupe *cough* :o Wait who said that?
  25. roflcopter127@yahoo.com

    Wtf... Can someone help me please...

    Then i exploited. Fuck me right? At least I don't hack.