I suggest the following factions be implemented. Order and Resistance can have control of respective cities in the game. The only way to become a soldier in one of these two factions is to visit their respective city and select recruitment in the menu. Once you select a faction, you can not change until you create a new character. Order are ex-military striving to rebuild the city of [EXPUNGED] and introduce law and order. Their alignment is considered "good". Members of the Order have excellent endurance, allowing them to survive longer than their enemies. They also have excellent weapons handling; reducing recoil, weapon sway, and reload and sight-in delays. Order have military skins. Resistance are a group of anarchists resisting the introduction of governance in Chernarus. They have taken up residence in [EXPUNGED]. Their alignment is considered "bad". Members of Resistance, while subpar with their weapons handling compared to the order, have excellent mobility. They can run fast and recover quickly, allowing them to flank more well-armed opponents or make a quick retreat. Resistance have chernarus terrorist skins. Neutral. The neutrals are players just starting out. They have no homeland and no clear agenda. Some might be individualists. Others might form or join groups. Some might choose to stay out of the politics. Others might be undecided. They can kill any other player regardless of faction. A neutral's skin will depend on how he behaves. They can either have a civilian skill or a bandit skill. Members of Order can not fire upon and kill other Order members. Members of Resistance can not fire upon and kill other Resistance members. Neutrals can attack anyone and everyone.