Signed up to +1 this, tents completely broken for me at the moment. First issue is duplicate tents appearing, i think this is a result of spamming the "place tent" button while trying to find a suitable spot, it seems to place a tent there which only appears on server restart. Ive had to abandon camp sites sometimes because the city of tents gets too much attention Second issue is the tents not saving/reverting back to and old save - possibly the very first save before the server restarted? I have not had a single tent that has saved items correctly, whenever the server reboots the tents revert back to their old state, either eating all my new items i placed in, or if i take everything out it will fill it up again with duplicate items. Game breaking bug for me, i now have a duplicating tent with all the essential gear and some luxury items like GPS which just keep duplicating. It takes the risk out of dying, takes the reward out of finding decent gear again, and takes the fun out of playing knowing i cannot play the game as intended because i cant set up a base camp and build my gear collection up.