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About tatsuri

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    Business, preferably international.

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    International Businessman
  1. Nice work bro. Way to keep it mathematical :D
  2. My in game name is Hans Gruber and this exact thing happened to me five minutes ago. I was 8km inland with a jeep and now i can't get back there -_-"
  3. Today I was playing with some buddies and I had quite a few encounters with hackers. They're truly running rampant throughout this mod. Today i got sweet sweet revenge: After a few deaths to the same hacker at the end of the night i decided to have one last muck around run seeing as i spawned right in cherno. I found several bodies, mostly nothing but a body in the church that held a makarov. I continued on to the closest miitary building where i encountered a ghilli clad, M4 weilding death machine whom snuck up on me while looting. I wanted to at least challenge him so i screamed friendly continuously and sprinted around the building. He replied FRIENDLY and asked what i was doing. I told him i was looking for my bro (he spawned in elektro but i didn't mention it) The guy asked his name, i gave it at which point he promptly replied 'he's in elektro' to which i replied 'EAT IT HACKER SCUM!' and emptied my clip into his unsuspecting face. He was fiddling in the map screen with his map hack. He had every tool and a beautiful gun that i shall cherish even unto my next life. Thanks for the priceless moment hacker boy.
  4. i'd apologize for the rant but i'm still stuck in this field.
  5. I'm on ANZ4 i've tried switching maps and i've tried contacting server admins on serveral servers so i can be killed or tp'd to shore. I can't play the game till someone gets me out of this fucking field. Understand this. This buggy, glitch filled attempt at a mod is fun and all but i have spent 2 hours in a FUCKING EMPTY FIELD because there aren't even measures to help victims of hackers. Hackers gonna hack we know this. But fucking help us non hackers out when we get fucked over from your lack of giving a shit about the hackers. Shit i'm so fucking sick of this field! There's a goat here but i don't have a weapon so i'm throwing flares at it. Seeing as re-logging wont solve this and the respawn button is greyed out for no fucking reason i'll just wait to starve. Thanks for the 'help' community. Useless.
  6. Today on AU1 I met several hackers. About 4 within the hour i was online actually this is how i met them: I spawned at Kamenka (joy -_-) and as i'm leaving i hear a chopper. BAM chopper magically appears on the dock, a guy gets in and flies over to pick me up. The next guy we encounter we pick up and everything's fine. The next pick up doesn't go down to well -> Our right gunner gets axed (literally) and we take off. We spend the next ten minutes filling axe guy with bullets while he runs in circles in a field and he doesn't even bleed out. I had to have hit him with at least 150 rounds of the 300 total i had and he didn't so much as flinch so we left. Pilot gets capped of cherno (nice shot) I miraculously survive only to be shot down seconds later. But WAIT THERE'S MORE! As i spawn a hacker teleports everyone to a random location and starts opening up on them. I hit the ground and lay still (completely unarmed) Then when the hacker was finished murdering everyone on the server (well he thought everyone) He hits respawn and i watch his body magically die before me. Got some sweet loot before i logged out actually, although now i'm stuck in the middle of nowhere -_-' Is someone actually going to do something about this? Like possibly a player list restricted to steam IDS or something to allow permanent bans. Just something geez.
  7. tatsuri

    Slow Zombies

    So you assume everyone wants to run screaming through the city? I'm usually crouch walking/sprinting and I rarely stand unless I'm inland or saluting so actually that means me and most of this community i'd wager are slower than a typical zombie in DayZ. THINK about your argument.
  8. tatsuri

    Looking for AUS/NZ team/group to join

    Hey man, me and some friends have a group of 4 and we're looking to expand if you want to join us sometime to see how it goes ^_^ Currently we are setting up a permanent base and raiding supplies for said base. PM if you're keen.
  9. tatsuri

    Slow Zombies

    Rocket, wherever you are I hope you have time to read this and at least consider my points as even with the current zombie population I believe slow zombies have the potential to greatly increase the fun of DayZ and solve several problems associated with zombie difficulty scaling. I mean the game's supposed to be hard, that's how we want it. But it needs to be fair. L4D zombies don't even run this fast... not to mention it's plausible to shoot them while they run whereas in DayZ shooting at a moving zombie will most likely just waste ammo and attract more zombies. They are simply to buggy to shoot at their current run speed. Also zombies easily outrun players unless they are fully sprinting (2xW) which can make losing them pretty much impossible with the current ai detection. At the least i beg you to ponder on having the zombies slowly wander towards you till they are within a few feet or until they make physical contact and then once they know you're prey they run at you. Basically giving us a chance to put some distance between the zombie to find a potential hiding spot before you're forced to shoot or run.
  10. tatsuri

    Slow Zombies

    This is all assumptions but from what I've gathered during my time here and playing DayZ the game is still just a baby and the Lag issues WILL be fixed as really they seem to be mostly bugs from ARMA anyways. Plus this is coding and if i told you about DayZ even just a year ago you'd have thought it were a joke. Games get better every single year so bitching about lag issues in an alpha is like bitching at a retard for drooling.
  11. tatsuri

    Slow Zombies

    Really? The zombies are fine? dude they chase you for no reason I've seen countless situations where players are crawling and zombies gained aggro from ridiculous ranges. If they were slow and there was more it would be far more balanced. Lag issues are being worked on regardless and If you've ever actually played ARMA you'd know there can be a hell of a lot of NPCs on a multiplayer map before is lags.
  12. tatsuri

    Slow Zombies

    Meh, everyone has their opinion and this in mine. Fast zombies were always a Hollywood creation to increase the pacing of their stories. But you know, whatever 'simulation' doesn't mean anything hear right.
  13. tatsuri

    Slow Zombies

    It's just logical. On start players begin with painkillers, a flashlight and one single bandage. They go scavenging but it's day time so unless they crawl there's a 75% chance they will be randomly spotted by a zombie anywhere between 10 - 30 ft away and now it's chasing them at full speed. Choices stand at: - let him munch on you while you walk around trying to find a house to kite him in - Leg it to the nearest forest and hope you don't attract the whole town (which is most likely gonna happen) - crouch sprint for a bush and dive into in the hopes the break of LOS is enough to make him lose aggro (not likely) - shoot him and attract EVERY zombie and player nearby. - die. It's not a very practical platter. Fast zombies are near impossible to shoot if they're moving, seriously it's stupid with the added graphical glitches. I typical let them hit me so I can get a clean shot (more than once i've been hit by friendly fire on behalf of a teleporting zombie.) Going inside rarely helps anyways as zombies sometimes retain their speed indoors and then you're screwed. Being spotted causes an instant fight or flee response rather than allowing planning and analyzing what to do now you've screwed up. This is a survival simulator; the fight or flee response should be left for being trapped or encountering a bandit. A lone Zombie is small fry. A pack of zombies is trouble. A single hit from a zombie could be the cause of infection or a broken leg. Shouldn't we have at least a little bit of a chance to avoid that hit once we're spotted? Sprinting away costs you precious hunger and thirst. You're on red thirst and unarmed you attempt a raid on a small town only to be spotted almost instantly. You leg it for a few hundred meters till he loses aggro. Now you're on flashing thirst and red hunger. You're also bleeding. Although the introduction of slow and shambling zombies may sound like an easymode I do have some tweaks to help the adjustment to retain high difficulty: -Speed. Yups straight up in the topic title it should be reduced. Their current neutral speed is great what i suggest is only a slight increase on that speed for a chasing zombie. This makes the treat not of being instantly mauled but being caught if you don't keep moving. Crawlers could have a max speed of a crawl sprint as they close in for a much more threatening zombie among the slow ones. - Zombies track by scent, this is obvious and DayZ zombies do so also. I propose ramping this sense way up. Of course the scent following rule should only apply after a zombie makes visual contact. Zombies would follow the smell of fresh flesh for kilometers if they sensed no easier source. Of course this may sound ridiculous in terms of escape but introducing deodorizers or even just bathing or walking in water sources to wash your scent clean would counteract having them follow you forever. Also there could be a 25-50% chance of light sources or wildlife distracting them from their prey (possibly only temporarily.) This would make scavenging much more nerve wracking as being spotted without knowing could lead to some tricky situations such as where a single zombie has spotted you and as he follows you his moans attract others and while you're looting a house they are slowly surrounding the house and blocking off your escape. Spending to much time in a town or city could attract the attention of a horde! This would help shut down wannabe campers as if they haven't been careful enough they may get swarmed when they least expect it. Also you would have to be much more careful setting up camp as if you've got a trail then zombies could be swarming all over it when you return. I feel this would bring a really nerve wracking suspense to raiding towns and would force more planning and emphasis on stealth and strategy to avoid zombies at all costs. If it were possible to have wind direction affect scent as well it could bring much more depth to raids. Having a set distance that they will follow could also help force players to explore more of the map as they head inland to avoid a horde if they're cut off from water. - More zombies. If it's possible to increase the zombie populous without sacrificing stability then with slow zombies it's a great idea. Pack towns and Fill the cities. With the threat of being swarmed always looming why not make being swarmed unexpectedly a terrifying ordeal. - Hearing doesn't cause aggro but attracts zombies from further away and a predator would let his buddies know he found dinner. Even the faintest sound can attract a predator but they wouldn't attack a sound if they don't know what caused it. This forces players to keep moving during raids and really makes you question whether shooting someone on sight is the best idea. Also zombies should be able to alert each other of prey. Alerting even one zombie could be a real threat if there's a few around. Keep the zombie call restricted to the immediate area. Have them call out whenever they directly spot and/or attack you. With a zombie horde always a looming threat players will have to question every sound they make. "Did i just step on concrete? Oh man i better keep moving." This would also cause a lot of tension as you have to sum up whether sprinting is really the best choice. - Sight. Because the threat really begins once you've been spotted this should be reduced (or rather tweaked) to be only LOS and a really bad range (only a few meters.) Light at night should attract them from extremely far though. Basically if a light source is in their LOS within 4km they are attracted to it. If you're within sight of a city and you light a fire. It's a deathly mistake. Distinguishing light from the surroundings would be a lot easier then distinguishing prey at night. - Slow zombies also allow some great baiting and kiting strats ;D
  14. tatsuri

    Worst Game Experience ever

    Have you read even one newbie guide for this game? Your bad and obviously quite mad about it.