It was my first life that was longer than 2 minutes. I spawned near solinichy or something like that. without knowing where I was heading I walked into Berezino. found a lee enfield there and some camo clothing. I found a school on climbed on the roof to look for other players, when i accidently shot my lee enfield. All zombies in my direct enviroment started walking towards me, and there where a lot of them. While I was sitting on the roof and see al the zombies walking towards me i felt like i was in a zombie movie when all the main characters are stuck in a building. sadly enough i didn't survive the encouter. one zombie hit me and knocked me unconsious, then i was eaten by the big horde heading towards me. I did learn some stuff from this. NEVER shoot a lee enfield in a zombie invested area. and if you aggro zombies don't stay in the same building. That life was about 5 hours. one month later and i'm rocking a character with 15+ days alive:)