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About [email protected]

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  1. I am looking for someone serious to play with. Ive played off and on for about 4 months but would like to play with someone intrested in tactics and take the game seriously, but still have fun. PM if you are intrested. BTW i am 22 american central time zone
  2. Age: 22 Ingame Name: Jordigger TZ and Country: Central Are you willing to use TS3: Yup Are you willing to use the website when it's operational: Sure What separates you from everyone else ( what are you're specialty's ) I have mad luck. I have played this game for over 4 months now since its release and have had a blast its. I have been in several groups always tried to use team strategy but never found a group like minded enough. I enjoy having fun but I also love to kill people in this game and hate dieing so being in a group that tries to not die would be great. My accuracy is okay, my two primary guns that I must have before I can properly kick some ass is either a dmr or aks kobra sight. What type of role would best suit you: Support or Assault
  3. Play this game after taking a month break Spawn in Chenro Get M1911 Unload one and only clip on dude in the hospital by the apartments Loot his M16 and various other things like map compass hunting knife alice pack Happy I didnt have to search for this shiit myself Run outta town Server shuts down Reconnect to new server Puts me back in hospital No M16 or loot Glass is up and no ammo Stuck in cherno hospital Don't play DayZ for another month
  4. 1 muddah 1 bandit kill. Don't get jelly now.
  5. This video is awesome. I know that feel when you get 10 kills on the Elektro sniping hill. Diamondwing you jelly?
  6. Agreed I go there when I'm geared up and just looking for ammo so and only have seen people there twice.
  7. 600m with an svd is my longest shot. If you want to post a video of the longest shot use the svd so we can see the built in range finder and judge for ourselves how long the shot is.
  8. Plain and simple this guy is right. Just like any pvp game its fun to kill noobs after you have all the best gear. Now this isn't all bad for coast people and I will let you in on a little strategy that I use. Kill the sniper asshole. I kill and get killed all the time in Elektro and Cherno sniping areas, and most of the time when I kill a sniper I get a shit ton of nice gear.
  9. Okay so yesterday around 2:30 central time I found a camo skin at a crashed helicopter. When I put it on some glitchy screen popped up where my character was swimming in an ocean. After that I was back at the crashed heli and I was still wearing my survivor skin no camo. Also all of my gear was gone. My backpack and all of the stuff in it was safe. I run six updater and always launch DayZ from that so I was up to date on arma patches.
  10. lol when I die the first thing I do is get a gun and flank the elektro sniping hill east to west on high pop servers looking for geared noobs that use that hill to snipe people that are looking for starting gear.
  11. Just like some of these other gents I lost my primary and secondary weapon and got a Makarov and three mags instead.