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Everything posted by Renegade0260

  1. All good ideas, but Zds need to be able to have a limited visual range depeneding on lighting conditions. I.e. 20m in full daylight on a road (no obstructions), 5m at night.
  2. Renegade0260

    30 Second logout time?

    Yeh, I agree, at least 30 seconds. Maybe even a minute or 2, with a re-join cool down timer that doesn't let you join any server again for another 5 minutes, to discourage server hopping.
  3. Renegade0260

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Yeh just some custom swipe animations or the duke "boot" animation with a range of 1 meter would be fine.
  4. Renegade0260

    What to do once you have all your stuff

    I would try to join a clan/gaming community and join up. Try to repair a vehicle and make it yours, helicopter raid on Cherno?
  5. Renegade0260

    character not showing up on leaderboards but over 50h old

    Yeh, I'm almost certain my current character has been alive for more than 48 hours, so I should be on the leaderboard. Perhaps I play less than I think, but it's got to be close.
  6. Renegade0260

    Pobeda Dam vehicle flip

    I can also confirm this. If you look, there's actually a small "lip" or burr where the concrete (road) object doesn't quite meet up with the terrain, I think that causes the error in the physics engine.
  7. Renegade0260

    character not showing up on leaderboards but over 50h old

    My current incarnation is about a month old now, also would like to see the leader boards working... gives the hard core long term survivors somewhere to compete.
  8. Renegade0260

    Adrenaline Shot idea

    Dude, Epinephrine IS adrenaline. It's just a brand name for the hormone.
  9. Renegade0260

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    No, that's not what I said at all.
  10. Renegade0260

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Just keep it simple, I posted in the DC thread but TL;DR is: Always, keep disconnected player avatars spawned on the server for 30 seconds (yes 30 seconds, maybe even more). Prevent the doppleganger issue by preventing players from re-connecting for twice as long as the DC timer, e.g. if the DC timer is 30 seconds, then the re-connect timer should be 1 minute. Also, if a player has been spawned on a server for more than 3 minutes, then prevent them from re-connecting to any other server for 30 minutes. Impliment those, and it will prevent a LOT of server-hopping and DC exploits, I know it will cause grief for some, but tough, this is a tough game, so tough.
  11. Renegade0260

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    I don't see why the "player avatar stays vulnerable for 5 seconds after DC" feature would cause problems at all. If anything it should be 20 or 30 seconds or more. So this FORCES people to play smart and log out only when it's totally safe. As for the doppleganger issue, simple, just make it so that players are not allowed to connect to ANY server for 1 minute (double the DC timer) seconds after disconnecting from any server. Surely something in Hive can do this. If anything it will fix the exploiting kiddies who think it's clever to shoot once, then DC, switch servers, move to a position where they can shoot you, switch back, then bang, your dead or similar exploits. I think even more anti-server-hopping-DC-exploit measures need implimenting: Perhaps once you have been spawed on a server for more than 3 minutes, you can't join a different server for at least 30 minutes. This means people who join servers but then don't like the ping/lag/time of day can switch, but people who have spent time on a server can't use server hopping exploits to gain tactical advantage.
  12. For me it's a perma ban. Pure and simple, the community will be better without people like this playing (or rather, exploiting/grieving).
  13. Renegade0260

    Please stop d/c-ing every time a bullet flies your way :/

    Some people just don't want to be involved in PvP, it's lame, but hey ho.
  14. Renegade0260

    Respawn Timer?

    Zs should stay dead for at least 20 minutes I reckon.
  15. Renegade0260

    Music and Sounds, copyright claims

    The artist should be pleased his music is being used in this mod, it's good publicity. The record company can go **** themselves IMVHO.
  16. Renegade0260

    The One, The Only: I HATE TEMP THREAD

    After playing for an hour or so, a few suggestions about temperature.... When you're sprinting, the game uses a lot of food so if you have food (food icon is not at rock bottom) and you're sprinting, it should increase your temperature. Sitting round a fire should increase your temp at about 3x the rate it does now. You should be able to shake off a cold within 6 hours play time as long as your temp stays above 66%.
  17. Renegade0260

    [FIXED?] Too many zombies DISCUSSION

    It should be possible to clear a city with a band of 4 or 5 players working together, or a town with 2 players, or a small village with 1 player. I.e. Zs need to stay dead for about 20 minutes to an hour, the numbers from 1.5.7 were about right, maybe 25% less.
  18. Renegade0260

    THE Firewood thread

    Arguing amongst ourselves is not constructive, everyone should back off, everyone's oppinion is valid, just keep it polite and constructive!
  19. Renegade0260

    You need to be able to "lose" zombies...

    I managed to loose about 10 of them by running uphill through a thick patch of trees (some woods/forest). You can loose them, but it's hard to put enough distance between you and them unless there's adequate cover to slow their progress.
  20. Renegade0260

    [FIXED?] Too many zombies DISCUSSION

    The Z count in 1.5.7 was just about right, perhaps 25% too many in places, but the respawn timer should have been set to at least 20 minutes. From what I'm hearing in this thread, it sounds like the respawn timer has been reduced! if true, that's crazy IMVHO.
  21. Renegade0260

    THE Firewood thread

    @KT zu Guttenberg: Testing dictates feed-back does it not? What the point in a test unless people's feed-back is considered? I.e. Testing is an iterative precess, requiring feed-back for the entire paradigm to work..
  22. Renegade0260

    Bring back scroll options

    I dont' see the point in removing a feature that's perfectly workable, why not have both the wheel option and also allow using things directly from your Gear dialog?
  23. Renegade0260

    IF this was an actual game...

    I would keep it as a community developed mod, with donations.
  24. Renegade0260

    THE Firewood thread

    Alendor makes an extremely compelling argument, confirming my thoughts exactly while adding sane and realistic justification. Rocket, please re-impliment the fire dynamic using limited match boxes rather than fixing the broken wood pile idea with an even more broken hatchet idea.