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About snake_eyesF

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  1. after dying by teleport hacks, dropped from the sky, and ocean, vehicles dropping on me and hacker spawned weapons; i think its safe to say i longer enjoy this mod. ok i know you're all thinking 'what a whining bitch!' but how can you seriously have fun when over 30% of the dayz community have used a hack once in their time or accepted a hacked weapon etc. I have been a loyal fan of this game since its immersion, but after a 2 day campaign of getting killed every 15 minutes by a hacker, then moving to another server only to be dropped from the sky; i thinks its time to call it quits. To all the bandits and survivors who legit killed me, great job it was always a heart stopping experience. To the hackers out there; what satisfaction do you get from it?
  2. where: Server US 485 When: 4:10am Australia, melbourne time What: Bit of a long story. me and my team mate on corner of the map, then player teleports to us while im trying to unflip an ATV. Begins talking to us and we noticed he has a Draganov SVD with NV (he even bragged about it). i unflipped the ATV as he was talking to my partner and I drove away. i stashed vehicle in bushes then crawled towards where my partner was. I lined him up for a shot and then my legs magically broke. Over general chat he said I looked like i had a broken leg? then came to heal me (kind of confusing). He then said we should team up and said him and his team had 3 choppers (not sure if map allows this?) he dissapeared and came back with a chopper. We boarded the chopper, then saw two other choppers in the sky. all of a sudden we were attacked and we escaped by ejecting. we then saw a whole lot of buses on parachutes coming down. i bugged out then as i knew this is not part of the game. We managed to get names of the guys who did this; video footage coming soon from my team mate who filmed it on his phone Names: Chris (was the guy with us and brought a chopper to us) A.T.E Garry Max Tommo cybzmaster (not sure if they are ALL hackers, but they were around when this was happening)
  3. snake_eyesF

    is there any bandit killers still?

    Yeah me and my guys still do
  4. snake_eyesF

    Broken leg in Mogilevka, need help!

    Come on server us485 and I'll help you
  5. snake_eyesF

    Broken leg in Mogilevka, need help!

    Ok where are you grid ref and server and I'll come help you out
  6. snake_eyesF

    Looking for experienced players.

    I play on aus, nz and us servers. Us 485 is my home. Not to toot on my own horn but this is what I do I'm good with LMG support, currently working with a m249 saw Also good as a supply and recon, usually using a Remington 870 as a point man. Let me know if I suit your criteria
  7. snake_eyesF

    Global banned

    you fucked up.... NO MORE BEANS FOR YOU!!!!
  8. snake_eyesF

    What to do after a global ban?

    why? it ruins it for others when you hack. This game is all about the 'Challenge' of surviving. isn't it boring when you hack? explain it to me. Oh by the way, I have no sympathy for you
  9. snake_eyesF

    unban request - Nick

    war0005, You cheated. you have to deal with the ramifications. Explain one thing to me? why did you hack? its really not that hard to find good equipment in this game, it just takes time. even if it was a backpack, doesn't that take the thrill out of the game? You fucked up :D
  10. snake_eyesF

    Czech pouch has a use!

    seperate ideas for the Czech pouch to have a use instead of being a craptastic find 1. expands your accessable inventory by a further 3 slots or 2. expands your secondary inventory (the slots where pistol ammo and bandages go) by a further 2 Nothing that will magically make it an awesome find, but more to give it an actual use Thoughts?
  11. snake_eyesF

    Trip Flare

    I like it. This stuff would be awesome for nighttime A great thing for bandits and survivors alike. And it would give another use for the flare. Maybe if you had a toolbox and flares you could right click on the flare with a 'set trap' function... Gives another use to the toolbox as well.
  12. snake_eyesF

    Batteries for equipment...

    Ok so I've seen it in a few threads and have seen heaps of people cackling the shots over high powered gear. Here's the solution... Batteries! All found in the supermarket or residential spawns. (rare or common it doesn't Matter) Flashlights = D batteries Nvg = AA batteries Gps = AA or AAA batteries Thermal scopes = AA batteries Watch = watch battery ( don't know the size of it sorry) Nv scopes on guns = AA batteries Car or any vehicle (except bicycle) car battery Anyway you get the deal. At least people that have high end gear have to keep this in mind and makes it a little more realistic and people can stop whinning about high end gear unfair advantage... Also kudos to the guys who thought the generator idea.... Kick ass! Ok shred the shit out of the thread starting..... Now
  13. snake_eyesF

    PvE DayZ servers petition.

    This is a bad idea for one reason, and remember I'm a friendly and try to avoid killing people. What would stop a bandit from going to a PVE server to haul kick ass equipment before server hopping back to his home PVP server and dominating? PVE servers would become a gearing up server before people would kick the shit out of each other in PVP. And even though I hate getting sniped 800 meters away; it adds another element of danger and paranoia in Dayz because let's face it... At the moment zombies are no major threat when you have a team of 3 guys protecting you in town while you do the scavenging.
  14. snake_eyesF

    Damage zones

    I would like to see it extended
  15. Fair enough but I was thinking more for realism and for zombie clearing. And if people were to shoot from the car then the windshield would be broken so their defense is gone, you can shoot them in the car. That or make bullets penetrate the vehicle as opposed to wearing out hull first; (dependent on calibre of weapon)