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About ImGoodOk

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. ImGoodOk


    The server has name tags on it? wtf is that?
  2. ImGoodOk


    Character Name: Slick McBiggums Real Name: Zach How Long Have You Played Dayz: 3 months What Can YOU Offer The Clan: Im a good sniper, and I have a very good understanding of the game mechanics and logic. Are You Prepared sacrifice your items to save squad members: Oh yea. Saving a squad member is the best feeling around. Time Zone: Pacific Age: 19 Additional Comment: None
  3. Has it really? Every one of you has a sniper. How do you loot, or even go through a city? I doubt you have only had one incident, and I do know how to snipe actually. Like sniping with a real group. With a spotter, scouts, assault and all the works. If you dont see the logical problem with team full of snipers then this probably is not the game for you. I know you are going to reply with some BS fake being decent response so I have no idea why im even bothering. But have fun sniping from the power plant in Cherno.
  4. ImGoodOk

    Looking for players to play with

    Hey man, i would love to play. What is your skype?
  5. Having a team full of snipers is a retarded idea. Unless of course you are just going to be killing to kill, and I wouldnt doubt it.
  6. ImGoodOk

    My lucky dayz

    Your grammar made that bad story even worse.
  7. ImGoodOk

    HELP ME!?

    I hate how obvious these traps are. I think about the people who accept these offers and I am appalled, and then the fact that the kid could potentially be serious is even more ridiculous.I sort of hope that people die in these come help me situations just so more of the community learns not to be retarded.
  8. Dusty your attitude is making me sick.
  9. ImGoodOk

    looking to join or start a group

    Do you sounds like a 13 year old?
  10. ImGoodOk

    New server AU/NZ very fast

    You are asking for some scripters bro.
  11. ImGoodOk

    What do you guys do?

    The things I would do to be in your shoes. Its getting to the point that when I start getting shot and I cant see where from I almost immediately assume its a hacker. Thats how many times they have killed me :P
  12. Im not coming here to complain about hackers and expect for something to be done about them but im just curious what all of you do to avoid hackers if you do. Do you just not play or play on certain servers because its getting a little crazy.
  13. ImGoodOk

    Looking for a groop to roll with

    Learn to type first.
  14. Im looking to play with a few people from any timezone who know how to play tactical and serious but can also joke around. Im tired of meeting people and them having no clue how to cover with a sniper, loot a building, or handle themselves in a gunfight. They seem incapable of these tasks and it is pissing me off. I am 18, and have been playing the game for around 3 months, bt as long as yo understand the game and have a level of tactic you are fine. My skype is : sneakycamo but feel free to give me your steam if you want to talk on there. If you are interested please add me, reply, or send me a message. Hope to get a few good replies.