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Everything posted by ratface2000@gmail.com

  1. ratface2000@gmail.com

    really want to play the game please help

    Well the 1st problem dayz_anim" requires addon 'CA_Dubbing_Counterattack is just a bug everyone gets dont worry about this. then second problem is see the word tavi in the error,did u install the taviana map ? 3rd problem sound like battleye hasnt updated yet, make sure to run arma and AO first and get yourself in a multiplayer game in there to update battleye. and make sure you have installed the arma 2 update on commander.
  2. ratface2000@gmail.com

    Can't open Arma II, Operation Arrowhead

    you need to merge the arma 2 folder with your OA folder this will sort your problem out m8. its the addon folder and another file sorry i cant check on my laptop. i had to do it to the other day.
  3. ratface2000@gmail.com

    Found a car ...

    find another car and try and roll it over again. ;)
  4. ratface2000@gmail.com

    Just saw Rocket again.

    got a tip off hes at the department store somewhere.
  5. ratface2000@gmail.com

    need a map

    http://dayzdb.com/map There you go pal. it does spoil the fun a bit though.
  6. ratface2000@gmail.com

    Build Discussion

    Is there any chance someone could run a poll on the crashsite marker idea. Id really like to see what the whole community thinks about it.
  7. ratface2000@gmail.com

    Dayz Auto Run - [Application]

    Thanks m8 this is a great app,and works really well.
  8. ratface2000@gmail.com

    How do you get the new maps?

    install this m8 you can get all the maps from here. http://www.dayzcommander.com/
  9. I had this problem aswell,all i did was reinstall my nvidia drivers and it auto setup to my new moniter and the game ran fine again. hope this helps,do it even if you are putting in the same driver again.
  10. ratface2000@gmail.com

    Feedback on status of infectious diseases in DayZ

    Is there any chance new spawned players could be given a random blood group which they have to stick to for the duration of that character,and you had to find blood bags of your blood group in order to have a transfusion. it would make it more belivable i think.
  11. Ive been playing on the redux servers for a while now and i think the system is great. waiting 30 seconds to log out has not been a problem for me.
  12. ratface2000@gmail.com

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.3 (community edition)

    This is gonna be awesome,thanks to all involved :thumbsup:
  13. ratface2000@gmail.com

    Stuck Unconscious, Have tried to respawn

    just leave it running till you die of starvation or thirst :rolleyes:
  14. I got a problem,my steam has decided to say game is unavailable application running ,and i cant run this mod. but i can run normal dayz from the beta exe. is there a way to point the exe to dayzredux? sorry if this is a noob question.
  15. ratface2000@gmail.com

    Put up my first tent yesterday!

    My tenty got squashed when i was going to fast on my bicycle and couldn't slow down in time :blush:
  16. ratface2000@gmail.com

    New Standalone Screenshots released

    Looks great.
  17. hey MindBlank glad to see you got a server a back up and running,i really miss the last one you probly remember me i am nutshot. il send you my GUID asap.
  18. So how did they become infected? surely they got bitten and attacked by other zombies the same way you character does. so why shouldn't this happen to you. I think when your down and knocked out and you bleed to death, the zombies stop eating you cause they then somehow realise your infected and you just stand up and walk around with the rest of them,ready for someone to come across you for a walking loot kill.
  19. ratface2000@gmail.com

    rabbits are deadly

    I agree Ive had 60 kmh on one of those bikes downhill,in RL that could be nasty. even worse what if he got caught up in your spokes and wedged in your forks.
  20. ratface2000@gmail.com

    Battle eye failed to update..

    This was happenin to me today,just keep joining a low populated server and it should update eventually. mine did after about four atempts.
  21. ratface2000@gmail.com

    Tranq guns for standalone

    I like the idea of tranq ing someone,it would lead to some great kidnapping situations,if you could quickly strip them of all there belongings then bundle them in to the boot of your car and drive off somewhere. that would be awesome.
  22. ratface2000@gmail.com

    North and West Shores

    I like the idea,there could be a few more coastal towns and some more islands like otmel and skalisty to make camps on it would also make the boats alot more useful. And no more off map vehicles just sitting there.
  23. ratface2000@gmail.com

    debug monitor

    The same way you turned it on in the first place. game options.
  24. ratface2000@gmail.com

    debug monitor

    Its a known bug, it is still working though just the color never changes. just keep switching to see how much blood you got,then back to know if you need food/water or not.
  25. ratface2000@gmail.com

    Finding Private Hives

    Type the word private into the filter homie.