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About [email protected]

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Location
    Tulga camp
  1. Whatever happened to the internet radio?
  2. ratface2000@gmail.com

    New town Chernaya Polana

    To find this place just follow the train tracks NW out of svetlojarsk. this town is awesome the new pub looks great.
  3. Just played for half an hour,it seems much better now animations seem more fluid. Thx alot devs.
  4. Yeah i miss hyneman too.
  5. I think it basically means your gonna have to saw the barrel off with the new hacksaw :)
  6. You dont need a key,just goto dayz in your steam library,right click it then goto properties,then betas tab then chose experimental version. note there isn`t an experimental version at the moment though.
  7. Sound like wasteland might be more your thing. thats a free mod you can play too. :rolleyes:
  8. Played for hours now.its fixed for me.
  9. Try searching for a 113953 server,theres about four of them at the moment.
  10. BTW dont get the 7770 get the7750 instead, its cheaper and it will work in crossfire with this chip giving you better performance than the 7770.
  11. yeah corsair make great psu,only problem if you ever wanna upgrade your gpu in the future,you might need to upgrade your psu to run it. i would try and get at least a 500w. and you dont neccesarilly need that cpu cooler(unless overclocking) either stock one is fine.
  12. yeah its just the latest version if you can afford it go for it.
  13. yeah its not to bad for the price i would change that cpu for this one. http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=CP-328-AM&groupid=701&catid=1967 its a quad core and not much more expensive and will work with that mobo.