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Everything posted by kostuek

  1. kostuek

    I enjoy murdering people

    Nice trolling, OP
  2. kostuek

    Why we are losing friendlies..

    Just kill them all. No one needs friendly anymore.
  3. dildo514 is coming for us. i'm a little afraid now
  4. Some are addicted to dungeons. But there is no reason to dig an underground base if you can just build a wall around yor favorite town.
  5. kostuek

    War Z - Game based off DayZ

    Yes, of course. That's because this "game" has only a few sreenshots after this long, long development and a webpage, that was registered at 24 May 2012. That's because if you are going to do some research about this "game", you will find nothing until the last few weeks it suddenly appears. That's because it will use the shitty engine from War Inc., a free2Play Ego-shooter. The long development was really a success.
  6. kostuek

    [Video] Robbing Noobs - EP2

    Haha, i would tell you some interesting facts about your mother in this situation. About all of your mothers, in fact. Cuz it' just a game.
  7. I was thinking of this: 10 minutes after login the server will ask you, if you want to stay. If you accept this, you will be not able to login on any other server for the next, let's say, 6 hours. If you are not happy with the server, you can just leave and go for another (not the same one for the next whatever time).
  8. kostuek

    Why this mod is failing

    Well, that is what this "experiment" is about, isn't it? Give them a lot of weapons, don't say them what to do, don't punish bandits, make it quiet easy to survive. Make "death" mean something, at least a long boring run. Will they kill each other just for fun? Oh, yeah, baby, we will. We will so hard. So this mod, this experiment is a full success. People are coming here, because the deatch here means more then in other games, killing is much more fun this way. But... Even if the mod didn't fail, maybe we, as the humans we are, did. Just like in the last few thousand years.
  9. kostuek

    BEClient 1.65 will not update.

    1.62 > 1.167
  10. kostuek

    Herro?! Herro? Are you friendly?

    Why did i watch this boring shit
  11. kostuek

    I`m a goat (bug)

    Now go to cherno, climb a roof and strongly attack the next sniper getting there with your horns
  12. kostuek

    Fix this deathmatch junk

    deatch means more -> more fear -> more KoS -> mission failed
  13. The first rule of dayz forum: DO NOT get attached to your opinion. Most of the time it will be a redundant piece of shit anyway.
  14. That's because i said "maybe", dude.
  15. Arma update 1.62 did this also (http://mp1st.com/2012/07/24/arma-2-patch-1-62-released-better-server-stability-for-dayz-patch-notes/): - Added new video options (Post-Process Anti-Aliasing, Alpha To Coverage) So maybe glitches are because of this. Don't change working system.
  16. After reinstalling BE i can join 417 servers also. No artifacts so far, but i'm at 230 blood right now and don't see much at all.
  17. another launch check: I'm on steam and sixlauncher, updated to, win7 x64 server: UK02 version 95417, ping 62 --> "Bad version, server rejected connection" after dayz-screen server : DE4, 95417, ping 62 --> "Bad version, server rejected connection" after dayz-screen server: US 10, 95417, ping ? (9999) --> "Bad version, server rejected connection" after dayz-screen server: RU 19, 95417, ping 156 --> successful launch after about 3 min on loading screen server: BE 3, 95417, ping 62 --> "Bad version, server rejected connection" after dayz-screen server: DE 744, 95389, ping 31 --> successful launch server: SE 4, 95389, ping 109 --> successful launch server: Fi 3, 95389, ping 62 --> successful launch Edit: http://s14.directupload.net/file/d/2964/5a6cabkp_jpg.htm
  18. It caused a huge server load if i got it right
  19. So i'm at Sixlauncher and now. Some server 95417 seem to have wrong configuration ("Bad version, server rejected connection" after dayz-screen), also got once a hang at "Loading"-screen. No problems at servers 95393/95389 so far, works well
  20. Waiting for Sixlauncher, i'm just too lazy ._.
  21. kostuek

    Pending Update: Build

    For the same reason you did mention this possibility in the first place, i guess. So we can look at you and say : wow, look at this pretty cool and clever guy, he can hack the game, he got also a huge penis for sure
  22. kostuek

    Pending Update: Build

    I would be a zombie
  23. kostuek

    Pending Update: Build

    I had only caffee today :|