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About SteamTrout

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. SteamTrout

    Global Ban BattleEye

    You won't get global banned for using hacked weapons. You will get global banned for hacking the weapons in.
  2. SteamTrout

    What a buncha bullshit

    You're welcome. Now be a good tester and reproduce the bug this time remembering all steps and provide a proper bug report. Sounds too boring/complicated? Wait for release.
  3. SteamTrout

    Please may I have a gun?

    Aaaand we will never seen him again. Another person consumed by the Green Mountain :(
  4. SteamTrout

    ARMA 2 Editor PROBLEMS .4 patch

    I guess you can always download an earlier version, put it into @DayzMachinima and activate it when you want to make machinimas and not play the game...
  5. If people are readily gonna spend more time to "suicide" then to actually run up to their desired location, let them. It's their own time being wasted.
  6. Yeah, because if me and my mates have murdered a village or two we'll suddenly become uneasy with each others presence and retreat to the forest to spend the rest of our life helping squirrels. EDIT: Just in case. I'm against murdering harmless people. But this is still not a solution (like countless other "let's fix bandits" threads).
  7. SteamTrout

    DayZ Commander not working?

    Yes, it's because filtering is wrong. Uncheck "Hide incompatible Arma versions".
  8. Your starting inventory should consist of 1 flashlight, 1 bandage, 1 empty tin can and 1 empty soda bottle.
  9. Make it "[NEW] Players start on a ladder ending in a closed door" for added crunchiness. Walking around the coast would be like entering a room of people eating crackers... Yum!
  10. Again, not only (by your own words, remember?) you become a gf-less parent-basement dwelling virgin BUT (and that's a big one) you are spending time in a game you don't even like to make a statement to people who won't even care. Do you honestly beleive you made a right decision here?
  11. So wait, but your own words you are going to become: I am confused :huh:
  12. SteamTrout

    Fix Wire Fencing Kits?

    Fix was supposed to be a new model if I remember correctly. It did not help.
  13. Slug is kinda like a bullet. Big damage, 1 projectile. Pellet is your average shotgun shot. Small projectiles will small damage per projectile, deadly at close range, can hit multiple targets in one shot.
  14. SteamTrout

    Shoot on sight: why I do it

    It may prolong it for a decent time. Plus banditry may have it's original purpose of gaining someone's beans brought back. IMO it's better if you were killing for beans, not fun. Ditto. I see less Czeck backpacks (and pouches) than ALICEs. Significantly less. Both points are valid (especially the second one). I think making supplies rare would make you kill for beans, rather than fun which MAY bring back the morality of your actions into equasion like in early days of the mods where people genuinly felt bad for killing somebody. Just tentacles. I live near Chernobyl and I see a lot of them. And yes, I DO live near Chernobyl. On a more serious note, yes, I like to have more challenge because challenge if fun. That would be our next step if we can't find a car today/tomorrow. However looking for camps all over the place is slow and not guaranteed to yield any results since there may not even be any. tl;dr I want a game where survival is harsh. If I am to kill somebody I want that to be because of necessity, not boredom. Making supplies more rare and starting equipment even worse (just the backpack though, everything else is golden) would be one step in the right direction.
  15. I played this mod since the time it was first revealed to public via RPS article. I played mostly as avoid confrontation is possible, be friend if not shot upon person. I play with a group of friends. I don't like CoD. Now that we got background out of the way let me explain to you why I will mostly shoot on sight. My average life in DayZ consists of spawning, running through the outskirts of closest big city and emerging with almost all basic equipment (gun, hatchet, some medical supplies and food) in about 30 mins tops. In a day of playing I will most likely be sporting military hardware (M4/AK/M24 or similar) and more supplies than I need. And now here comes the problem: what shall I do next? Find a car? We've been looking for one for quite some time now, no luck. Find better guns? What for? So me and my group will try and seek some fun if possible. And currently there are two things which are trully fun in DayZ: firefights with other people and aggroing a town full of zombies/sneaking through a town full of zombies. Zombies get stale after a while and their superpowers do become annoying. Plus they more or less lack variety. In other words PvE encounters the same problems as PvE in any other game - it lacks content. PvP is self-generating content. Place two people into a room and give them guns and they'll keep each other entertained for as long as there are two people in a room with guns. PvP generates excitement, PvP has a real sense of danger. Outsmarting your opponent is actually rewarding. Dying to a good strategy is as fun as winning sometimes. One of my most memorable moments in a game was when me and a friend were cornered by 2 bandits at NW airfield. They threw a grenade to distract us and flanked for the kill. They got my friend, I got one bandit and the 2nd guy killed me after some time. We lost all gear but it was worth it because it was fun. Regarding gear. The most fun moments I have in DayZ in PvE is when I'm vulnerable. I don't have a good gun (or no gun at all). I'm low on supplies. I'm genuinely scared for my life. This all goes away when I have enough bullets to murder a small town with full-auto fire. In my opinion to reduce banditry, or more specifically to make me stop killing people mostly just because (we do loot them afterwards, no beans go unnoticed, don't worry) this game needs following changes: 1) No gun start is perfect but still easy-ish. We need less guns in the environment. Finding Lee 3 mins after spawning is bad. Finding Lee and 4 clips is awful. 2) Supplies must be scarce. Backpacks must be a HUGE rarity. Ideally you should start with Czech Pouch and pray for Coyote Patrol, not find ALICE in the 1st supermarket you visit 3) Finding good equipment must not be as easy as it is 4) There needs to be some sort of end game, some sort of goal to work forward to. Currently that goal is replaced by shooting people P.S. I am strongly against shooting fresh spawns. It is pointless and is not enganing at all. tl;dr I shoot people because I'm bored and there is nothing else to do, not because I am an evil bastard who wants your beanz.