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Everything posted by Donmen

  1. I crawled like 3km to a hospital once to get some morphine and had to take stuff from the loot piles under the boxes first to get too whats inside of them. This should be fixed and maybe that was your problem.
  2. Donmen

    Ban all Bandits!

    I have read your post and want to add my 2 cents. Side channel: Yeah because I can shout really loud. I have met plenty of nice ppl though. Been shot through the head at cherno too from outta nowhere.. Its part of the game and I wouldn't want it any other way. But in regards to end game activities iam referring to an interview with mister Rocket and Sidestrafe where he says that players should be able to atleast influence the map more in a way of making a base or place to operate from (underground?!). The map albeit so huge not even counting offmap. Does lack distinctive features like caves and bunkers making real strategic decisions for a base difficult since all sides know the layout.
  3. Try using a warning shot before advancing to give away some of your advantage for a more exciting battle. Usually if the first man drops at the first few shots panic will reign.
  4. Respect for actually playing along with those guys and barking like a dog.. Hilarious.
  5. Donmen

    Made some friends! sort of...

    Nice read thnx. But don't just shoot all ppl with a sniper rifle since if you can see them, changes are high they werent after you :P
  6. Can't we all just unite against the hackers and if someone sees a hack he shouts in global and we all alt f4 :P
  7. Donmen

    Please read BEFORE posting

    Sorry if this has already been suggested I tried the search function for the word quiver and found nothing. I would like to see quiver's in dayz This one has been mentioned but I would like to add my +1 to more boxes of matches because its a frustrating one. Edit; After reading above posts I figure out this isn't the suggestion thread and I see it consists of 222 pages... Mind is blown.
  8. I agree with you Frankie. As a noob I stood in cherno once and threw flares in all directions and stood in a salute pose for like 5 min hoping to meet friendlies.. We can all guess what happened. But that guy I never saw. I have alot more respect for that one bandit who was sitting behind me for like 10 minutes for me to turn around and shoot me in the face :P
  9. Donmen

    Just got shot, unarmed.

    Respawn and run like the wind inland. Plenty of good loot not anywhere near the coast and goin into cherno is a death sentence unless you got the balls to just aggro the whole town and run through some doors.. Try it its fun :P
  10. I like how there are serious problems if you messup regarding the zombies but I feel experienced players can too easily avoid the zombies and give the newer players a hard time.
  11. Donmen

    So... are crossbow bolts not retrievable?

    You have to search real hard on the bodies to find the actual bolt. Sometimes goin prone and glitching through the body helped me find em. You have to use "Take 1 bolt on the actual bolt not the body". But 1 slot for 1 bolt is too few I would suggest replacing that crossbow until something like a quiver can be implemented.
  12. I wanna join this experiment next time I die. Currently on another server doin some lone hunter routine. So plz don't shoot if you see me crawling around. My ingame name is Donmen like here. Anyways I wish you guys good luck.