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Everything posted by sheriff_mclawdog

  1. Good server from what I can tell. Spent a few hours on it earlier today. Going to try and get some people on my steam list over here.
  2. sheriff_mclawdog

    Play Dead

    Maybe somewhere this has already been suggested but i couldn't find it. I was thinking that the 'check pulse' mechanic needed to be changed, because as it stands, if you see 'check pulse' you know immediately that the person is alive. it cant just be removed because there are also other options like bandage wounds that only show up on a live person, etc. I feel that all options including pulse check and bandage should be on the menu if a body is alive or not. also I feel that you should be able to get into someones main inventory at any time dead or not, same as the backpack inventory. If the user is conscious it should(or maybe not..) inform them that someone is going through their belongings and if they are hourglass unconscious it shouldn't tell them anything at all. This way bandits who are in a hurry might not check thoroughly if a person is alive or not, and that person may live to see the end of the day, if not a little short on blood and some supplies. Also this would allow for people to 'play dead' if they feel that they are going to otherwise be killed by someone who has better gear than them so probably wont bother taking any of their stuff. To balance it out I would suggest that once the option to play possum is selected, the knockout hourglass time should show up and give a minimum 10minute time out so the survivor couldn't immediately get up after fooling said offender and shoot him in the back. This will also make it more of a gamble to choose since if the bandit catches on that they are alive by checking pulse or just seeing them go down, the survivor will likely receive a bullet in the brainpan without the ability to defend themselves. Also if this was to work out the flies noise that is around dead bodies would have to be delayed so as to only come 15 mins or so after a person has died so when someone is playing dead they might still be mistaken for a fairly fresh kill once the threatening player arrives to loot the body. This may seem excessive to many, but I feel that if done properly it could add some fun. Love the mod so far. Keep up the good work!
  3. sheriff_mclawdog

    Play Dead

    I saw that post just now. Only two minutes apart! I don't believe that people should be able to play dead and immediately shoot though, the should have to stay down for a while. it is after all an act of cowardice(IMO) and I feel that if my character decided to play dead, I wouldnt have the balls to take action once the offender is so close to me.
  4. sheriff_mclawdog

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    The post was not directed at you in any way. I know already that you properly respect server admins :). It was more directed at other users of the mod like myself. EDIT: To clarify, I understand why the current rules exist and I DO agree with them 100%.
  5. sheriff_mclawdog

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    To be clear, it is in not a privilege to be able to host a server. It is a heavy burden(based on DaYZ requirements) to bear for any server admin. I don't think enough respect is being shown here to server owners/renters in general for what they do. Like rocket posted, I likewise do not believe that admins should be kicking people left and right, and do feel that reserved slots will be great and hope they come into play eventually. People still have to remember that hosting a server costs a lot of money(this mod/game particularly), and 95% of the people hosting these servers are good, very generous admins who don't screw around or act caddy. The cost is high but they pay it gladly(I would assume), so that you and I can have the opportunity to play the game AT ALL. I do believe that rules have to be in place to stop admin based griefing and thus make the game more enjoyable for all. But please do have some respect for the good admins here and the generosity they show. Keep in mind that it costs $100+ dollars a month to rent a decent dedicated/VPS server w/win license that can run ONE instance of this mod, and that all the non-admins are the ones that are privileged to be able to play this great mod on someone else's dime.