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Everything posted by Hiptu

  1. Haven't read the whole thread (don't have time to), but just a few stats to think about: 3856 servers out there, I've been lead to believe there are 3 Heli crashes per server (correct me if I'm wrong), so 11568 Heli crashes. Your 0.87% = ~100 AS50's in total, then most servers restart at least 3 times daily so thats 300 AS50's a day. Now given the fact they don't magically disappear (scripters and bugs excepted), if a player dies with one, chances are another player will pick it up, plus people hoarding them in tents/vehicles. Not disputing duping (it is a problem) but do wanna point out that not every tent/vehicle that has high end gear in it, is duped.
  2. Hiptu

    Why destroy tents?

    Then they'll use vehicles instead, which'll add to the vehicle 'hoarding'
  3. Hiptu

    Choppers found

    Did you repair the windscreen?
  4. Ya know all this whining is why Dev's (in general) rarely give ETA's. Patience is a virtue... Edit: Wouldn't be surprised tbh.
  5. Idea's solid per se, but you'd have to do summit about hunting knife, matches and hatchet. Ya don't need to go to anywhere (for loot) or anyone if ya got those (+ water bottles). So, no.
  6. Again... Anyway, thought you were done with this thread. Because I'm feeling nice right now, let me help you out: http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?56-ARMA-2-amp-OA-SUGGESTIONS post there with ya problem (or suggestion), you might have more success. (Ps. got the point yet?)
  7. Not defending a feature, stating a fact. The feature is part of ArmA not DayZ, but you're attacking DayZ for it. Get the point yet?
  8. You seem to fail to understand its a feature within ArmA2, that happens to port over to the mod. It can be disabled, some servers do, some don't. What I'm trying to understand is why you feel it's so important to be able to swim. I've been playing DayZ for over a month now and not felt the need to get anything more than my ankles wet. Seems to me you're making a lot of noise because you forgot rule #1, don't get attached to your gear (or your friends gear as it appears). Three words, 'pot', 'kettle' and 'black'.
  9. Not wanting to pick holes, but I'm gonna anyway :) If 'all the stuff' in the tents was moved on the third day, how come there's gear in them on the screenshots (dated 17th) 2 days after you 'discover' them on 15th (refer to first ss). Secondly having played on this server a lot, and being the little explorer I am, those screenshots look nothing like any base camp I know of (and I know of a lot of them) on that server, let alone the one by the dam. Thirdly you keep referencing another thread in your post, which if you bothered to read the thread the OP withdrew his accusation, ya might wanna do more research next time you look for evidence. Thank you and have a nice day :)