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Everything posted by wrenuld

  1. wrenuld

    Non Lethal Taser gun

    This is a great idea, suggestions like this have been posted before but still. Alt+F4ing is bad anyway, it doesn't mean this suggestion is bad. Trolls can also shoot you or break your legs, being tasered could also be a lot more exciting than flat out getting shot. 'Oh shit, why am I not dead? What are they doing? What's going to happen?' Granted they can just shoot you, but they could do that anyway. Saying that it's useless because killing is easier and safer also doesn't hold weight. You personally wouldn't use a taser, cool. I'd drop a side arm for a taser any day personally, I'd enjoy using it and I'm sure other people would. Confrontations are exciting in DayZ and a taser would mix it up and make some of them more interesting, make sure you have to be in fairly close to use it and you're good.
  2. If drinking even restored 1% of hunger you could live at a water pump forever. (Sorry if I'm misunderstanding your suggestion) If possible, drinking slowing the effects of hunger by a small amount for a short time might work. As it is right now, you have to work to survive, something I really like about DayZ is survival actually feeling like a struggle.