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Everything posted by Einherj

  1. Now, don't execute me for making a new thread about this. My reasoning for making a new one was, unlike other threads, I have an actual working solution for this issue. Issue: water bottles can not be filled in ponds without swimming I came up with a better solution which can be found here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=4204&pid=40633#pid40633 Solution: 1) A config class in which ponds are represented as polygons 2) A function that checks if a given point (player position) is inside a collection of polygons 3) Integrate check into fn_selfActions.sqf which determines if "Fill Water" action is displayed This is not just a theory, I have actually tested this already. All I have to do now is to record the rest of the ponds as polygons. Some proof to follow. The red balls represent vertices and there is some debug data on the upper right corner. [attachment=247] [attachment=248] Would this be something the devs might be interested in?
  2. Einherj

    Water bottles vs. ponds solution

    Since all the item interactions were moved to the inventory in the latest patch how this system works now is: 1) there's always a fill water bottle action associated with the empty water bottle item 2) clicking on it checks if the player is near a water pump, tank, well or a pond 3) if true the bottle is filled, if false a text is displayed to tell the player he has to be near one of these things. The pond check goes like this: 1) get all objects inside 50 meter radius 2) check if any of their string representations have the word "pond" in it 3) if true check that the player is below the pond surface
  3. Einherj

    Water bottles vs. ponds solution

    Like explained earlier in this same thread this is not possible since the surface collision (including sounds) is handled by the engine internally.
  4. Einherj

    Water bottles vs. ponds solution

    I check if the point is inside either of the defining triangles.
  5. Einherj

    Water bottles vs. ponds solution

    Nice! I should probably wait for the next patch before trying to figure out solutions for other issues :D
  6. Einherj

    Water bottles vs. ponds solution

    I came up with an improved solution today which needs less manual labor and is more efficient and accurate: At startup 1) Gather all pond object IDs 2) Convert pond bounding boxes to 2d rectangles and save as an array Integrate into surface check loop a function that 1) checks if the player is inside any of the rectangles. 2) If yes, checks if the player is at the same level above the sea as the pond in question. 3) ??? 4) Profit. Some test screens to follow. Player is not inside any of the pond bounding rectangles: Player is touching the water: [attachment=278]
  7. Einherj

    Water bottles vs. ponds solution

    I have emailed them. Still, I feel like the forums would be a better medium to get the message through since they supposedly get an email every two minutes or so.
  8. Einherj

    Barricade oneself in homes, buildings

    Oh yeah, I forgot that. Well, then it works even better. I was probably thinking of Arma 2's triple concertina wire object which you can't jump over.
  9. Einherj

    Barricade oneself in homes, buildings

    Barricading would mean a ridiculous amount of work. Arma 2 buildings are single models with predetermined paths via which the AI moves. There is no way to disable a path at any given moment. Also, even if you place objects on the path the AI walks through since it ignores collision while on the path. In theory all the buildings could be made out of multiple parts and the doors could be separate objects with two variations: with and without paths (non-barricaded and barricaded), which a script would toggle depending on the current state. It would still be questionable how the AI would navigate in these kind of buildings. But like I said, this would be a ridiculous amount of work and is unlikely to happen. But do not despair, there is an alternative solution to deny the zombies access to a building: How the AI works is it finds one of the entry points determined in the building model (usually in front of a door). This is where the path starts and the AI starts following it. Block the AI's way to this entry point and he can't get in (barbed wire around the entrance maybe). This of course usually means you can't get out either.
  10. Einherj

    Filling water bottle with rain

    Not hard to script at all. It is possible to return the current rain density. And yes, it does depend on how much crafting is wanted.
  11. Einherj

    Make All Water Sources Able to Fill Canteens.

    There is no way to check if a position is in the water or not (excluding the sea). If I remember correctly the current script checks if the player is in the sea or playing the swimming animation. The only way I could think of accomplishing a check for ponds would be to manually record the outlining coordinates of all inland water areas and to do a check with the player unit if he is inside any of those areas at the moment. It can be done, but it's not gonna be pretty or efficient.
  12. Einherj

    Filling water bottle with rain

    How about a new object: rain water collector. Fashioned out of a tarpaulin or something. You put it on the ground and it fills up every time it rains and empties after you fill a couple of bottles from it. I could think of other uses for a tarpaulin too.
  13. Einherj


    While Molotov cocktails in the survivalistic do-it-yourself environment seems like a good idea (through movies?), is it really? Like anyone who has actually studied the subject and knows about history can say that their original purpose was to be a poor man's anti-tank weapon. And nowadays they are mostly used to cause disarray at protests and the like. they are however usually far from lethal. From the game mechanics perspective they don't offer that much significant use in DayZ. And I know what you're saying: "I wanna throw them at zombies and light them on fire". C'mon... Have you thrown a bottle of Jack at someone (I hope not)? Bottles rarely break making contact with a person, and burning on the ground a liter of gas is not gonna light anyone on fire. Even if we set aside all the realism, the work of doing the effects and scripting fire, nevermind letting them loose on a multiplayer environment, doesn't in my mind offer enough payout for the actual use of the "weapon". But if people really wanna get some fire in this game, maybe the zombies could be made to be afraid of it - a means to control their movements. Now that would be an actually useful game mechanic.
  14. Einherj

    MERGED: changes to inventory system

    Here's an opportunity: http://kotaku.com/5910279/pc-zombie-darling-causes-sale-explosion-arma-devs-happy-to-help I think the community should ask the Arma 2 devs to move the inventory code out of engine and make it available for modders. It would be great to be able to handle items (at least magazines) as instances and not only as classes anymore.
  15. Einherj

    MERGED: changes to inventory system

    What I meant was modding the inventory to get rid of the disappearing items and other bugs is not possible. Also modifying the slot system is not possible (for example from one dimensional to two dimensional). Adding features like weight is possible and has been done like you mentioned. Also, ACE uses a different system on their backpacks than regular ArmA 2 which allows more customization on their part. Still, changing how the inventory acts when you move stuff around is not possible, which was the concern in the first post. A replacement inventory system could in theory be implemented but as there is no way to access references to individual item instances (magazines) it couldn't work properly anyway.
  16. Einherj

    MERGED: changes to inventory system

    Like said, modding the inventory system is currently impossible as it is handled by the engine internally, apart from a couple of visual things. ArmA 2 also handles inventories as one dimensional arrays instead of two dimensional grids which throws some people off since the inventory (gear) dialog is set up like a grid on the player's part. Weight system can and has been done before.
  17. Einherj

    MERGED: changes to inventory system

    The inner workings of the inventory (gear) dialog are indeed handled by the engine itself and cannot be modded, apart from a couple of visual things like colors and such.