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Everything posted by Technaugure

  1. Technaugure

    City and Town Lighting

    And why don't simply add projectors in industrial areas ? Make it buildable just as barb wire and tank traps. I think the " Hey, I'm here ! Shoot me ! " implied sign would be enough to counterbalance the benefits of light ...
  2. Technaugure

    Suggestion for clothing items: Hockey mask

    Face camo are up to what face you chose in the character editor in the main menu.
  3. Technaugure

    Golden weapons?

    It would be realistic. Just wait for the Takistan to be implemented. There, I suggest to add random wrecked customized Ladas with golden AKs in it, with the radio still shouting "Arab Money" ... That, and UFO crash sites.
  4. Technaugure

    Your First Life

    He shot both my legs with a M4 CCO at Balota and his mate finished the job with a crowbar while I was unconscious, after a T-bag and while shouting with a cheap mic and a 13 year old voice. I meeted them again in Chernogorsk grocery store, shoot in the back of the M4 with a revolver I just found early ( My first weapon :D ), and killed the second who tried foolishly to use his hatchet against me in a rambo attempt. And this is how I found my first M4. :D
  5. Technaugure

    Does this trailer remind you of in game dayz?

    Zacharyne summed it all. One does not simply use his weapon to kill zombies.
  6. Technaugure

    Get rid of all the sniper rifles

    Zombies aren't whining. The only rifles that could "realistically" be removed are .50 BMG sniper rifles ( As there is no zombie tank, why would the army go around with such guns in helicopters ? ). But yet, this wouldn't be fun, and .50 BMG are part of the thrill. You have a car, aaaand ... It's gone. Instead of whining about them, suggest making them real "pro-bandit/survivor" weapons, something rare, something to be proud of, something with really, really scarce ammunitions. Oh, wait... Joke apart, the only flaw of snipers ( Beside the fact that nobody seems to have ever thought about civilians needing a proper instruction about how to handle them ... Chernarus may be an ex-soviet state, but if we stick to cliches about soviet adaptability, then atleast add vodka to the game ! ) are those wookies that disconnect the second they feel spotted. They, for sure, are ruining the game. ( And are the main reason why every survivors see the bandits as 12 year old trigger-happy CoD players ... )