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Brat (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Brat (DayZ)

  1. This disconnecting pisses me off.

    EU2 - Chiefpapa PVP Dced at stary sobor.He killed my brother, but i destroyed his car and wounded him :) Saved the Camo SVG,NVG from my bros corpse,though he didn't die - but he lost a car.

    Rocket should do something about this ALT+F4 Dc . Fucking pisses most ppl off.

  2. I'm not sure if it's a bullshit or not..tbh.

    I'm pretty active in EU28 by BFE and he's a nice guy,can't say he would do that (kicking for his friends etc) Never saw that,and never saw anything bad @ his adress.

    Dont forget this is an alpha,maybe u found some duped\hacked items that were just dissapeared or something.

    OR someone were spying on u and actually took everything and destroyed everything else.There's a % that it might happen,right?

  3. Then something went wrong and you're running the wrong version. Restore the backup you made.

    Make sure you've read guides on how to install the beta patch' date=' running the installation file is not enough.


    I was always installing the beta-patch (less than 5 seconds) then just playing the game.But now with the 666 patch,forever loading screeen.uh :[

  4. Greetings.

    After our latest patch - many players(including me and my bro) are having trouble with playing the game. Like some days ago - we played smoothly(No freezing while playing etc). And after the patch - many players have been complainin about the low FPS after the update(I guess it's FPS then, i've been telling that it's some sort of freezing(in 0.01secs every time i'm in-game).

    So if someone have solved the problem- please post it here.

    P.S. I have the LOWEST settings in the game,still the problem isn't solving.


