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Everything posted by dudefalling

  1. dudefalling

    M4A1 Holo for anything!

    I saw my first Holo today (and I've been playing for over 400 hours). It was cool but then I died.
  2. dudefalling

    hackers...do u guys feel the same

    Hackers, pvp-aborts and duping. The combination of these destroys (i'm NOT exaggerating) the game. Totally. Private hives and closed communities, here I come.
  3. dudefalling

    How rare is the L85A2 AWS?

    One of the most common rifles in the game nowadays. Along with AS50.
  4. dudefalling

    Pending Update: Build

    Dear rocket, thanks for the great mod. Now here's someting simple that I haven't yet seen proposed by other users. I think that so many ppl are ready to ALT+F4 or disconnect/connect because they can do it anonymously. Would it be a terrible idea to show disconnect/connect messages on the server data flow? Also, often times you could draw a conclusion "Hmm... I was just shooting the guy who went behind a bush and now George1111 disconnected. He's probably gone now." and even more importantly "Oh, now Georege11111 reconnected. I'll need to be very careful now." This is clearly a kind of a "debug monitor" thing as we wouldnt wanna see a constan conn/disconn flow in a final game. But considering the stage of DayZ and the frustration that aborters cause...I'd be happy to see this kind of debug data.