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About Alfts

  • Rank
  1. Alfts

    Kill or Be Killed

    <_< we will see
  2. Alfts

    Kill or Be Killed

    this is why people go bandit time. ima kill all survivors from now on. u bets watch ur back B)
  3. This person has now gone Bandit
  4. im also new nad looking for a group of friendlies
  5. i'l join if u need more
  6. i'l join if u need more
  7. Alfts

    Starting a small team

    i'l join if u need more steam is alfxt1 skype is bluddy5
  8. Alfts

    Forming a badass team

    Me2 im up for it got all the programs needed Steam: alfxt1
  9. Alfts

    Looking for a team...no...a group.

    Steam name is qwertyomg sorry lol
  10. Alfts

    Looking for a team...no...a group.

    add my steam always looking for allies Skype: bluddy5
  11. Im also from the uk Steam : Alfxt maybe we can all play together
  12. Im also looking for people to play with, im new :P and i have a mic
  13. Alfts

    Looking for people to play with

    Just got the game, also looking for people to play with