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Everything posted by Zellion

  1. Zellion

    Banned From AU32

    We try to keep our servers free of hackers, until you have your own server and you can see the logs and how many people come on the server each day and ruin it for everyone else a few cautious bans to keep the other 49 people on the server from dieing from cows that fall out of the sky seems pretty reasonable. If you have been banned wrongly post up a ban appeal and allow the admin to go through the logs more thorough. http://www.dayzwiki....p?title=Weapons If the weapon is not on that list dont pick it up. You will not be banned for hoping in a hacked vehicle unless you are the one that spawned it in or are directly involved with the person who did. I have banned 54 people this week of which 100% have log proof and which only one has appealed, people just want to ruin your time spent playing the game properly.... no wonder we get paranoid.
  2. Zellion

    Banned From AU32

    Arran - 28ec771490a4a7e4d1825fa0d154b0b1
  3. Zellion

    Please bring back side chat

    Bring back side chat. it brings a sense of community to the game which is what it needs if it wants to survive.
  4. Zellion

    Banned From AU32

    Hello Greene180, Im sorry you feel like you have been unfairly banned from the server. Unfortunately i will not be giving out any "detailed" log explanations as it may be used to help a malicious third party. BUT i can say it did involve a helicopter. Im sorry i can not be more helpful and unfortunately your ban still stands and will not be removed under any appeals. Thanks again AU32 admin/owner
  5. Zellion

    Hacker AU32

    Hi Koala, Thank you for the post, the guy that should have died about 5 times went under the name "pancake" and has since been banned from the server. Thanks AU32 admin/owner
  6. Zellion

    Banned From AU32

    Hi Greene180, You have been banned from AU32 for scripting. The player on the server that executed scripts was under the ingame alias "Arran" You have the same guid and IP as arran which means you have been caught scripting and are now perm banned. Thanks AU32 Admin/Owner
  7. Zellion

    AU32 hacked

    I am fully aware of the attack we had this arvo i was in the server at the time and the two players responsible have been banned along with another 6 people today. Im doing my best to keep the server as safe as possible. thanks AU32 - admin/owner
  8. No but those 2 weapons raise suspicion there is alot of other factors but those 2 weapons are known spawned hacker items. if you dont run a server you wont understand. Sure dayz have banable rules but for 99% of server admins we will ban someone if they are hacking and not wait for battleye to catch up.
  9. battle eye has banned 12k and i have been banning about 15 from my server every day for the past 3 weeks... battleeye is shit so i have had to take things into my own hands and its basically banning anyone with a as50 or a m4a sd
  10. i inquired about this a few weeks ago and i was told to contact the dev team and its there decision
  11. Zellion

    US346-invincible hacker

    I need a bit more information than that. Do you have names or times when this happened or know who else was on the server at the same time?
  12. Zellion

    A possible fix to the alt F4 problem

    What if you want to access your audio or graphical settings? Leaving during a firefight isent the number 1 priority at the moment dying for no apparent reason seems to be more of a issue then coming across someone and they af4.
  13. i have ran the game with no fps issues on a less pc. make sure your drivers are up to date.
  14. Lowerer your graphical settings? if they are already on the lowest and you have fps issues then its time for a upgrade... BRING ON MORE ZOMBIES
  15. i doubt anyone would use it. I set up a teamspeak and put that in the topic for people to use and 1/2 people have came on in the last month and those 2 that did came on and left in like 5mins dident stay to talk or anything :(. the community aspect of this game isent very good especially since the global chat has been removed
  16. it does im sick of hackers as much as anyone it takes so much time to go through logs and complaints i spend more time doing that then playing :( I try to check the forums and go through the server logs atlest once a day. try emailing me on dayz.us346@gmail.com if you need a urgent response :)
  17. I was in the server at the time this happened and have dealt with this along with another 4 people that have been cheating in the 45-hour leading up to this. us346 Admin