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Everything posted by maartins

  1. maartins

    Big Foot In Day Z (Video)

    You can find big foot in blurry areas. Just find a blurry place and wait to him to come out a bush. Easy!
  2. maartins

    I have collected all of the stats

    2/3 people fart loud in public
  3. maartins

    best video ever..

    i see who emptied those Jack Daniel's
  4. maartins

    Elektro on Fire!!! [VIDEO]

    the roof the roof the roof is on fire
  5. maartins

    I wanna go to Green Mountain

    I have been there like every time server restarts because of that ATV. Green mountain danger is bullshit!
  6. fell of from skalka -32000 blood
  7. maartins

    ARMA 2 Real Life Hiking Simulator

    it is not 255km x 255km long map its only ~15km x ~15km long just saying
  8. looks like this http://dayzdb.com/database/weapon-comparison
  9. maartins

    About the Weapon Damages

    I didn't read the thread so here is a link: http://dayzdb.com/database/weapon-comparison about dmg and stuff
  10. maartins

    No Servers appearing on list

    I can see servers now EDIT: wait there is something wrong all the servers have 666 slots wtf
  11. maartins

    No Servers appearing on list

    pls be an update :murder:
  12. maartins

    Too many locked/passworded servers

    Here is a quote from a server forum: answer from an admin:
  13. maartins

    where do you guys find good weapons?

    Well lately i started to look for other people camps. So far i have found one camp 4 tents didn't loot i couse no high gear but i wrote down its location for later inspection and i truck full of end gear :P