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About JJCrossbow

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. JJCrossbow

    CZ appreciation station

    The day I fell in love with the CZ: Sat on top of the Electro fire station with a CZ looking about at the PvP hell going on below, hear someone coming up the ladder and curse at my empty side arm, guy pops up at the top and i stand up to receive my Winchester bound fate at the hands of a Bandit. He fires, and misses. I move a bit, he fires again, he misses. I start to play about with him, moving about then he takes aim so he misses me and repeat this process until his clip is empty and he is reloading. I didn't particularly want to kill the guy he had wasted a full clip on me and completely missed (at point blank range). So I cheekily span 360 degrees and fired off my CZ and to my surprise he crumpled down in front of me. Lol's were had.